Weekly Recap: 3/28 - 4/3 , 2016

Hearthstone: The MMO Unveiled! [Youtube]


▼ 今週注目のニュース
・ オフィシャル・ チーム加入・移籍情報・ その他のニュース

▼ イベント関連
・ 今週行われたイベント・ 来週以降のイベント

▼ 戦略・ガイド記事
・ Metagame・ 海外サイト・ 国内サイト
・ WotOG新カード関連・ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩・ 今週の注目デッキ

▼ Fun
・ reddit注目の投稿・ 今週のハイライト映像・ ファンアート・Warcraft Lore
・ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Weekly Recap: 3/21 - 3/27 , 2016 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News

◆ オフィシャル

Whispers of the Old Gods – The Entourage of Y'Shaarj [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® April 2016 Ranked Play Season – Clutches of Evil! [Battle.net]
Hearthstone: The MMO Unveiled! [Battle.net]
Hearthstone | Lore of the Cards | Y’Shaarj [Youtube]
รักไม่มีหยุด LOVE UNLIMITED (Official Music Video) เบียร์ ภัสรนันท์ อัษฏมงคล [Youtube]

◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト
ハースストーンアジア太平洋冬季選手権王者を称えよう! [Battle.net]
アジア太平洋冬季選手権、mattun選手大会後インタビュー [Battle.net]
「旧神のささやき」 - ヤシャラージュ・ルポルタージュ [Battle.net]
4月3日、秋葉原の暖炉に集まり、ハースストーンを楽しもう! [Battle.net]
ハースストーン® 2016年4月ランク戦プレイシーズン:悪の掌握 [Battle.net]
「旧神のささやき」に関する話題はこちら! [Battle.net]

◆ チーム加入・移籍情報

【日本語サイト】【OCG部門】cross7224選手、チーム移籍の発表。 [Detonation]

◆ その他のニュース

New Mage Card Reveal - Cabalist's Tome, Legendary Reveal - Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound [Hearthpwn]
New Card Reveal - Cult Apothecary, Ben Brode on Ragnaros, Lightlord, Popular Constructed Decks of the Week [Hearthpwn]
Hearthstone Patch 40116 - Card Balance, New Art, Deck Slots Removed [Hearthpwn]
速報 – パッチ「40116」の詳細内容をHearthPwnが公開 [Hearthstone.exp]

投票「旧神のささやき」#2 [Hearthstone.exp]

Google Deepmind Turns Attention to Hearthstone [Icy Veins]

Blizzard's voice chat goes into alpha testing [Dailydot]

Live Insect!: Hearthstone's Lore Remix [HearthHead]

Hearthstone Headlines #2 - Ragnaros, The Lore Controversy, & Y'Shaarj Revealed [HearthHead]

Value Town #66 with Reynad, Noxious, ChanManV, and special guest Firebat [TempoStorm]

【日本語サイト】Hearthstone冬季日本選手権優勝のmattun選手にインタビュー。デッキ選択の意図などを聞いてみた [4gamer]

【日本語サイト】アジア太平洋選手権に参加するまで [まッつんのブロマガ]

【日本語サイト】アジア太平洋選手権 振り返って [まッつんのブロマガ]

【日本語サイト】カードゲーマー放送局特別企画 ハースストーン 世界選手権への道 [niconico]

【日本語サイト】天野と佐和子のHEARTHSTONE講座 最終回がUpされました! [すべ半]



◆ 今週行われたイベント

Decklist spotlight: All decks from HCT APAC Winter Championship [GosuGamers]
Tournament Recap: Asia Pacific Winter Championships [TempoStorm]

(VOD) Insomnia57 - Truesilver Championship 2 [reddit]
British talent Ness wins Insomnia Truesilver Championship [GosuGamers]
Truesilver Championship 2: Full photo gallery [GosuGamers]

ONOG Open #4 on April 1st (not a prank) [Liquid Hearth]

[イベントレポート]『ハースストーン学園祭@渋谷ヒカリエ』 [GAMESTAR]
[イベントレポート] 3月6日開催『日本海のハースストーン 新潟(炉端の集い)』 [GAMESTAR]
ハースストーンの大会『初級エンジニアカップ#6/海の巨人杯#4』にてミスルトゥ選手、Meeshal選手が優勝! [GAMESTAR]
「ハースストーンアジア太平洋冬季選手権」で韓国のDDaHyoNi選手が優勝!日本のmattun選手は惜しくも最終日敗退 [GAMESTAR]
[インタビュー] ハースストーン日本選手権 優勝者 mattun選手 「日本選手権におけるデッキ選択について」 [GAMESTAR]

第1回 HearthstoneCS イベントカバレージ [HearthstoneChampionShip]

冬季日本選手権を振り返って② [ヘイ]

3月の大学生限定大会 結果発表 [すべ半]

【HS】アフリカTV日韓戦予選【大会結果】 [kuroebiの思考言語化日誌]

スタンダード追悼式〜俺たちはもっと輝けた〜のご案内 [HearthGamers]

◆ 来週以降のイベント

Archon House Cup [Youtube]

Alibaba announce $5.5million eSports tournament [GosuGamers]

4/4 静岡HSオフ会 [Twitter]

4/16 Meepleside gathering #4 [HearthGamers]

4月17日 日本海のハースストーン@新潟 [HearthGamers]



◆ Metagame

Winter Championships Infographic: Europe [TempoStorm]
Lineups & Trends at the Asia Pacific Winter Championships [TempoStorm]

◆ 海外サイト

What Beast Druid Needs to be Viable [TempoStorm]
Google Sheets Game Tracker v2.0 - Update [reddit]
Arena Talk with Ratsmah: Priest Draft Walkthrough [TempoStorm]

◆ 国内サイト

初レジェ記念!!自分なりのレジェへの行き方、練習法 [ふらふらHearthstone]
上級者がゲーム中に考えていること [すべ半]
2通りのデッキ構築法 [すべ半]
オリジナルデッキを完成させるための7つのステップ [すべ半]
ひとくちころねこ新聞 [koronekoのハースストーンブログ]
負けについて [koronekoのハースストーンブログ]
大いなるマーク・杯 主催者としての視点 [りぐぶろぐ]
【ハースストーン攻略】実はとってもお得! 楽しみながら強くなれる闘技場のススメ(その1) [初心者脱出! レジェンドへの道(第8回)] [Tappli]
個人的ハースストーン理論 1 [tredgames]

◆ WotOG新カード関連

How Good is Ancient Harbinger's Ability? [BlizzPro]
Deep Analysis on Latest Spoiled Cards – 3/27 [Hearthstone Players]
Stone Reviews Old Gods: Part 3 [Hearthstone Players]
Deep Analysis on Latest Spoiled Cards – 3/30 [Hearthstone Players]
Stone Reviews Old Gods: Part 4 [Hearthstone Players]
Stone Reviews Old Gods: Part 5 [Hearthstone Players]
Deep Analysis on Latest Spoiled Cards – 1/4 [Hearthstone Players]
Visual Guide of All the Cards from Whispers of the Old Gods! [Mana Crystals]
Brian Kibler - Whispers of the Old Gods Card Review: Part 1 [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Whispers of the Old Gods Card Review: Part 2 [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Whispers of the Old Gods Card Review: Part 3 [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Whispers of the Old Gods Card Review: Part 4 [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Whispers of the Old Gods Review 2 [Youtube]
Thijs - Whispers of the Old Gods: Card Review Part 3 [Youtube]
Trump - Whispers of the Old Gods Review - Part 4 [Youtube]
【日本語サイト】【旧神のささやき】公開カードひとこと感想 [すべ半]
【日本語サイト】#旧神のささやき 中立カードの闘技場評価 [RNG it!]
【日本語サイト】#旧神のささやき パラディンクラスカードの闘技場評価 [RNG it!]
【日本語サイト】シャーマンの新規カード [Luna Side Base]

◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩

Tavern Brawl: You Must be This Tall to Brawl! [TempoStorm]
【日本語サイト】酒場の喧嘩 #42: 喧嘩は5マナになってから [Hearthstone.exp]
【日本語サイト】3/31更新【酒場の喧嘩】喧嘩は5マナになってから | 攻略・デッキ紹介 [HearthGamers]

◆ 今週の注目デッキ

Decklist spotlight: Frodan’s Dragon Druid [GosuGamers]
[Top500 Legend] Quatro's Naga-ramp druid [Hearthpwn]
Taunt druid - a ladder beast (multiple players to top 100) [reddit]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Vrazzo's Top 500 Legend Naga-Ramp Druid [Youtube]
Rank 1 legend in two days PawelHS RampDruid [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: PawelHS's Rank 1 Legend (in two days) Ramp Druid [Youtube]
【日本語サイト】ミルドルイドの紹介と対戦動画 [すべ半]

A Guide to Spiderman Hunter by J4CKIECHAN [BlizzPro]
[S24 Legend] Hybrid Hunter [Hearthpwn]
103 Legend Mech Hunter [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: FalconePunch55's Mech Hunter [Top 150 Legend] [Youtube]
[S23] Control/Reno Hunter - Ladder to Rank 5 (In-Depth Guide) [reddit]

S24[Legend] in two days! 3 secrets Tempo Mage [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Yyggdrasill's 3 Secrets Tempo Mage [S24 Legend (in 2 days!)] [Youtube]
Torch Freeze Mage. Part 2: Understanding the match-ups. [reddit]
Doomelf`s Exodia Style Reno Freeze Mage [reddit]

1st Legend アジア とれっど型シークレットパラディン [Twitter]
Legend with Aggrodin - thorough guide included at no charge! [reddit]
Silentstrom's Midrange Paladin [Twitter]
[TOP 200 Legend] Djinni Eggladin [reddit]
Hearthstone S24 Justicar Brann Paladin [Youtube]

[S24 Legend] Priest Control [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: SexyNerd's Priest Control [Legend (S24)] [Youtube]
Extensive and Unnecessarily Long Velen Priest Guide [reddit]
Zetalot's Resurrect Priest [Twitter]

Going Rogue: Oil, Miracle, and Malygos [Liquid Hearth]
Miracle Rogue in the Current Meta and Beyond in Standard [reddit]

Aggro Shaman (MMR #4) [HearthHead]
Sjow's Concede Shaman [Twitter]

[s25 Meta] Good Ol' Handlock [Hearthpwn]
Hobzoo Guide (2x ended top 50 legend) [reddit]

[Full Indepth Guide] Modern Control Warrior [Hearthpwn]
Vlps's Control Warrior [Twitter]



◆ reddit注目の投稿

New WOTG card released [reddit]
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Enter [reddit]
Hearthstone's Strong Female Heroes and that one Secretkeeper Pose [reddit]
How about an Emote for Squelching? [reddit]
I think Blizzard should lower the crafting price of cards in rotated out expansions. [reddit]
PLEASE let us see burned cards in the action log! [reddit]
IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-DUEL! [reddit]
Visual Guide of All the Cards from Whispers of the Old Gods! [reddit]
Blizzard is on fire with April Fools! [reddit]
We can do it reddit !!! FOR CHARITY [reddit]
If Hearthstone had been based off of Lord of the Rings, not WoW [reddit]
There should be a 'random cardback' option. [reddit]
Ben Brode on Twitter: "Whispers of the Old Gods (if not all of Hearthstone) is definitely a "What If?" take on Warcraft lore." [reddit]

◆ 今週のハイライト映像

Amaz - Eat A Bean! [Youtube]
Amaz - Turkish Amaz Plays a Good Game [Youtube]
Amaz - Right Here Right NOW [Youtube]
Amaz - Professional Brawler [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Reno Shadow Priest: Ruined? [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - The Wrath of the Skulker [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Grand Theft Tavern Brawl [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - The Might of Summoning Stone [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - TWITCH CHAT VS. HEARTHSTONE [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - New INSANE Legendary Card Reveal! [Youtube]
Eloise - Summon Krippo to Counterspell Trump [Youtube]
Eloise - Eloise Draws Billy [Youtube]
Firebat - HOUSE TOUR! [Youtube]
Hafu - Hafu-Lights: Priest Double Feature [Youtube]
Kolento - fun and interactive [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Fatigue Druid: A Short-lived Return [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Will Inspire Cards Rule The Game? [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Arena Will Always Be Tempo Driven [Youtube]
Kripparrian - All In With Deathwing [Youtube]
Noxious - #RESURREKT PRIEST [Youtube]
Reynad - Reckful visits Reynad [Funny Reynad Stream Highlights] [Youtube]
Reynad - Silent but Salty [Youtube]
Savjz - Three of a kind - Iceblock is Savjz's savior [Youtube]
Savjz - Clown Fiesta (RNG Highlights) [Youtube]
Savjz - Savjz plays Jaraxxus IN HUNTER?! (GOTD 16) [Youtube]
StrifeCro - StrifeCro Introduction [Youtube]
Trump - Trump Encourages the Younger Hearthstone Generation [Youtube]
【Hearthstone】パラディンのヒロパでRIZAP【ハースストーン】 [Youtube]

◆ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore

Hearthstone Boardgame Concept [Behance]
Whispers of the Old Gods Trailer Recreation [Youtube]

◆ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Best Moments 40 [Youtube]
Best Fail Moments 6 [Youtube]
Best Moments 41 [Youtube]
Best of Tinkmaster Overspark [Youtube]
Best RNG Episode 13 [Youtube]
Top 5 Best Lucky Plays! [Youtube]
Best of Varian Wrynn! [Youtube]
Epic Funstone Plays #106 (4/1.ver) [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #106 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 157 [Youtube]



Alternate hero Beginner Guides Blackrock Mountain Curse of Naxxramas Decks & Guides Diary Events Expansion Goblins vs Gnomes Journey to Un’Goro Knights of the Frozen Throne League of Explorers Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Metagame Mobile News & Notice One Night in Karazhan Patch Notes Season end reminder Solo Adventures Tavern Brawl The Grand Tournament Utilities Weekly Recap Whispers of the Old Gods World Championship Year of the Kraken Year of the Mammoth
Hearthstone dojo: Weekly Recap: 3/28 - 4/3 , 2016
Weekly Recap: 3/28 - 4/3 , 2016
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