Weekly Recap: 3/21 - 3/27 , 2016

BE LEGEND: mattun [Youtube]


▼ 今週注目のニュース
・ オフィシャル・ チーム加入・移籍情報・ その他のニュース

▼ イベント関連
・ 今週行われたイベント・ 来週以降のイベント

▼ 戦略・ガイド記事
・ Metagame・ クラス共通記事・ プレイガイド・マッチアップ
・ WotOG新カード関連・ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩・ 今週の注目デッキ

▼ Fun
・ reddit注目の投稿・ 今週のハイライト映像・ ファンアート・Warcraft Lore
・ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Weekly Recap: 3/14 - 3/20 , 2016 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News

◆ オフィシャル

Whispers of the Old Gods – The Enigma of N’Zoth [Battle.net]
Lore of the Cards | N'Zoth [Youtube]

◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト
【お知らせ】Macでハースストーンにログインできない症状について [Battle.net]
ハースストーン大型大会「Hearthstone Battle Royal Japan vs Korea」に参加しよう! [Battle.net]
【コミュニティ・インタビュー】 ハースストーン冬季選手権日本代表、mattun [Battle.net]
「#がんばれmattun」キャンペーン [Battle.net]
「旧神のささやき」 – ン=ゾスの謎 [Battle.net]
BE LEGEND: mattun [Youtube]
ハースストーン日本冬季選手権:ハイライト [Youtube]

◆ チーム加入・移籍情報

compLexity Hearthstone Adds Crane [compLexity gaming]

◆ その他のニュース

New Legendary Priest Card Reveal - Herald Volazj, Most Popular Decks of the Week, This Week in Hearthstone [Hearthpwn]
New Shaman Legendary Card Reveal, Infected Tauren = No Taunt Slime, A Wild N'Zoth Appears, 3D Printed Boom Party [Hearthpwn]
New Legendary Minion - N'Zoth the Corruptor! Also, Undercity Huckster [Hearthpwn]
Rogue Legendary Card Reveal - Xaril, Poisoned Mind [Hearthpwn]

Monk Visits Blizzard: Changes Coming to Standard [Liquid Hearth]
【日本語サイト】「Monk Visits Blizzard: Changes Coming to Standard」和訳 [HearthHack]
【日本語サイト】HSの本社サミット関連 [りかぴ通信]

Micky Neilson is Leaving Blizzard! [Icy Veins]

Blizzard investigating allegations of win-trading in China's Hearthstone scene [Dailydot]

Naiman, once banned for a year from Hearthstone, qualifies for the World Championships [Dailydot]

The 100in10 arena challenge is finally beaten [GosuGamers]
TWO BIERS DIT IT ! Congratulations on beating the 100in10 Challenge ! [reddit]
Arena Master' TwoBiers AMA [reddit]
【日本語サイト】ドイツ人プロゲーマーTWOBIERSが100 IN 10を達成! [RNG it!]

The Pros & Cons of Deck Recipes [TempoStorm]

Are Hearthstone’s new deck recipes any good on ladder? [PC GAMER]

Hearthstone 2nd Anniversary - Timeline Infographic [BlizzPro]

Orange: "I thought I was unstoppable. It took me some time to realize I was not." [GosuGamers]

Interview with TNH #66 Winner – Heidrun [Vicious]

[Hearthstone Science] Patch 4.2 Mechanic Changes, Bugfixes and Bugs [Youtube]

【日本語サイト】【ハースストーン】Amazonコインのすゝめ [HearthGamers]
【日本語サイト】Hearthstone:Amazon Coin [未来永劫初心者日記]



◆ 今週行われたイベント

(VOD) 2016 Hearthstone Championship Tour - Asia-Pacific Championship [reddit]
Previewing the Hearthstone Asia-Pacific Winter Championship [ESPN]
【日本語サイト】アジア太平洋選手権選手紹介 [Edgestone]
【日本語サイト】ハースストーンアジア太平洋冬季選手権day1-mattun選手の試合結果・感想 [Edgestone]

Here are the decklists of the 8 European Winter Championship contestants [GosuGamers]
Tournament Recap: European Winter Championships [TempoStorm]
Lineups & Trends at the European Championship [TempoStorm]

Here’s the talent line-up for Insomnia Truesilver Championship 2 [GosuGamers]
Insomnia57 - Truesilver Championship 2 [reddit]

【ハースストーン大会結果】第1回 EdgeStoneCup:優勝はプリースト・ドルイド・アグロシャーマン・シクレパラ [HearthGamers]

ハースストーンの大会『初級エンジニアカップ#5/海の巨人杯#3』にてabsan選手、Tredsred選手が優勝! [GAMESTAR]

◆ 来週以降のイベント

アフリカTV,「Hearthstone」日韓戦イベントの開催を決定。本日より受付開始 [4gamer]
Hearthstone Battle Royal Japan vs Korea 特設サイト [AfreecaTV]
ハースストーンの大会『Hearthstone Battle Royal Japan vs Korea』をアフリカTVが主催!HCTポイント獲得のチャンス! [GAMESTAR]

大いなるマーク・杯 【NAサーバー】 開催 [りぐぶろぐ]



◆ Metagame

Hearthhead's Midweek Meta Review #4 - Put Me In The Zoo [Hearthhead]

◆ クラス共通記事

The Way of the Shaman [Liquid Hearth]
Judging Old Cards by a New Standard [Liquid Hearth]
Standardized: Retooling Control [TempoStorm]
Winter Championships Infographic: Americas [TempoStorm]
Arena Class Tier List [Hearthstone Players]
A Growing Hearthstone Player? Things to Think About [Hearthstone Players]
Player Choice vs Simple Design in Hearthstone [Hearthhead]
A better understanding of "The Grind to Legend": analyzing a 70% win rate with simple stats [reddit]
Deck Archetypes and Win Conditions [reddit]
デッキタイプとその戦法 [すべ半]
完全なデッキなんてない!代替カードの考え方! [From 0]
ハースストーンの詳しいルール(エンチャントリスト編) [ふらふらHearthstone]

◆ プレイガイド・マッチアップ

Arena Talk with Ratsmah: Dynamic Decision Making [TempoStorm]
Making the Late-Game Push in Hearthstone’s Arena [Hearthstone Players]
Hearthstoneで勝ち抜くためにいますぐあなたが学ぶべきこと 第10回:勝率を上げるために不可欠なゲームプランとは [4gamer]
テンポの取り方/奪い方 [すべ半]
ハースストーン闘技場ガイド:正しいプレイの選択(トレード編) [ルーズの敗北日記]
ハースストーン闘技場ガイド:闘技場における最強ヒーロー、ローグ解説 [ルーズの敗北日記]
【ハースストーン攻略】 ローグ、シャーマン、ハンターのビギナー向けデッキを紹介![初心者脱出! レジェンドへの道(第7回)] [Tappli]

◆ WotOG新カード関連

Stone Reviews Old Gods: Part 1 [Hearthstone Players]
Deep Analysis on Latest Spoiled Cards – 3/22 [Hearthstone Players]
Stone Reviews Old Gods: Part 2 [Hearthstone Players]
Deep Analysis on Latest Spoiled Cards – 3/25 [Hearthstone Players]
Old Gods Card Review & Analysis Video Part 1 [Hearthhead]
Amaz - Whispers of the Old Gods Card Review #2 [Youtube]
Kolento - Whispers of the Old Gods card review - part 1 [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Shaman Legendary Card Reveal! [Youtube]
Thijs - Whispers of the Old Gods: Card Review Part 1 [Youtube]
Thijs - Whispers of the Old Gods: Card Review Part 2 [Youtube]
Trump - Whispers of the Old Gods Review - Part 2 [Youtube]
Trump - Whispers of the Old Gods Review - Part 3 [Youtube]
投票「旧神のささやき」#1 [Hearthstone.exp]
【旧神のささやき】公開カードひとこと感想 [すべ半]
#旧神のささやき 新カードの闘技場評価 [RNG it!]

◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩

Tavern Brawl: An Evil Exchange [TempoStorm]
【日本語サイト】酒場の喧嘩 #41: 悪の頂点 [Hearthstone.exp]
【日本語サイト】3/23更新【酒場の喧嘩】悪の戦い | 攻略・デッキ紹介 [HearthGamers]

◆ 今週の注目デッキ

HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Kaym0's Mid-range Druid [Youtube]
Justsaiyan's Mill Druid [Twitter]
D e e R F o r C e (Breaking Away from Combo) [Hearthpwn]
Frodan Aviana Naga Druid Deck Tech [Youtube]

[Top 100 Legend 70%WR] TheJordude's Discover Hunter [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: TheJorDude's Discover Hunter [Top 100 Legend 70% WR] [Youtube]

【日本語サイト】[S24 Asia レジェンド] テンポメイジ ガイド前編:デッキガイド [HearthHack]
【日本語サイト】[S24 Asia レジェンド] テンポメイジ 初心者ガイド後編:プレイングガイド [HearthHack]
Control mage 1.2 [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Murky21's Control mage 1.1 [Youtube]
Kolento's Tempo Battlecry Mage [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Kolento's Tempo Battlecry Mage [Youtube]

【日本語サイト】エッグシークレットパラディンデッキ紹介:NAサーバー17位 [HearthGamers]
Acidz's Djinni Eggladin [SectorOne]
[TOP 200 Legend] Djinni Eggladin ! [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: AcidzHS's Djinni Eggladin ! [TOP 200 LEGEND] [Youtube]
[Top 200 Legend] Midrange Pally [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: GhostyHere's Midrange Pally [Top 200 Legend] [Youtube]

(Easy rank 5 anti meta)Shadow Form Priest [Hearthpwn]

Budget Aggro Rogue [Hearthpwn]

Amnesia's Midrange Shaman [Twitter]
Totem Shaman! 86.9%WR (S24) [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: JohnDooe's Totem Shaman! (86.9%WR [S24]) [Youtube]
[s24] Burst Shaman - Legend Video - Competitive Aggro Deck [Hearthpwn]
Aggro Shaman (MMR #4) [Hearthhead]

Legend Reno Combolock S24 [70% winrate] [Hearthpwn]
rage's NA#1 Zoo [Twitter]

A Primer about Warrior in the Current Metagame – Top 100 Legend with Warrior [Hearthstone Players]
[S24 Legend] biood's Fatique warrior // 66% after 90 games. [Hearthpwn]
62% WR to Legend - My Personal Take on Fatigue-Elise Warrior [reddit]
Patron Warrior 69% WR Guide up [Hearthpwn]



◆ reddit注目の投稿

Opened a pack and saw this happen on a golden... [reddit]
Next Expansion - Just let Kripp reveal everything. [reddit]
Please!!!! Bring back the deck randomizer!!!!!! [reddit]
Could Mana Wraith be viable with these 10 mama gods coming out? [reddit]
I made a new Hunter deck and it auto-named to my password, wtf Blizz? [reddit]
Blizzard recognizes Disguised Toast's accomplishments. [reddit]
Tavern Brawl will likely use wild format after the expansion [reddit]
The 1/1 copies that Herald Volazj makes should have higher pitched voices. [reddit]
It was 100% skill. [reddit]
The one thing I learned from today's blogpost is that the ribbon on gold Rogue/Priest/Neutral cards needs to change. [reddit]
So I decided to change Silver Hand Recruits into 'Dudes' and then make more cards that interract with them. [reddit]
Why Mysterious Challenger, Reno Jackson and C'Thun are all basically the same, and why we should expect more like them. [reddit]
As someone who enjoys collecting, not being able to rearrange my decks drives me insane and seems like poor design for a card game [reddit]
Blizz make overdraw count as discard [reddit]
Congratulations... you played yourself [reddit]
Immune is worded incorrectly [reddit]
5 months after LoE came out and I only just spotted this... [reddit]

◆ 今週のハイライト映像

Amaz - Trapped! [Youtube]
Amaz - Thank You? [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - The Shadow Bomber [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Concede Shaman CONFIRMED [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Patron Maneuvering [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Reno Hunter: The Sequel [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - The Alarm-O-Bot Dream [Youtube]
Eloise - Eloise Takes Trump to the Zoo! [Youtube]
Eloise - Win A Game By Duplicating Panda [Youtube]
Hafu - Hafu-Lights: Patience is a Virtue [Youtube]
Hafu - Hearthstone: The Rogue Gods ft. Ratsmah [Youtube]
Kolento - Kolento was not prepared. [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Never Lucky [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Holding Off Aggro [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Looking For The Best Opener [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #52 [Youtube]
Reynad - Reynad reacts to the new deck slots [Youtube]
Reynad - Reynad learns about Salt and Bees [Funny Reynad Stream Highlights] [Youtube]
Savjz - Another Golden Monkey Miracle (GOTD 15) [Youtube]
Savjz - Savjz's Magical Miracles [Youtube]
StrifeCro - Hearthstone Game of the Week #20: A Tale to Astonish! [Youtube]

◆ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore

Flavor Text and Lore: The Old Gods [Hearthstone Players]
Cool themed art for the original 9 heroes [reddit]
【日本語サイト】愛すべきメカたちに別れを告げよう(中篇) [Edgestone]

◆ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Cursed Blade Moments [Youtube]
Best Moments 39 [Youtube]
RNG Saltage - Episode 9 [Youtube]
Top 5 Best Tournaments Moments! [Youtube]
Best of Ethereal Conjurer [Youtube]
Amazing Plays #25 [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #105 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 156 [Youtube]



Alternate hero Beginner Guides Blackrock Mountain Curse of Naxxramas Decks & Guides Diary Events Expansion Goblins vs Gnomes Journey to Un’Goro Knights of the Frozen Throne League of Explorers Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Metagame Mobile News & Notice One Night in Karazhan Patch Notes Season end reminder Solo Adventures Tavern Brawl The Grand Tournament Utilities Weekly Recap Whispers of the Old Gods World Championship Year of the Kraken Year of the Mammoth
Hearthstone dojo: Weekly Recap: 3/21 - 3/27 , 2016
Weekly Recap: 3/21 - 3/27 , 2016
Hearthstone dojo
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