Weekly Recap: 11/23 - 11/29 , 2015


▼ 今週注目のニュース
・ オフィシャル・ チーム加入・移籍情報・ その他のニュース

▼ イベント関連
・ 今週行われたイベント・ 来週以降のイベント

▼ 戦略・ガイド記事
・ Metagame・ クラス共通の解説記事・ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩
・ アドベンチャー攻略・ パズル・クイズ・ 今週の注目デッキ

▼ Fun
・ reddit注目の投稿・ 今週のハイライト映像・ HSのマメ知識
・ ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore・ おもしろシーン特集

Weekly Recap: 11/16 - 11/22 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News

◆ オフィシャル

Join Us for the 2016 Hearthstone® Championship Tour! [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® November 2015 Ranked Play Season Ending Soon! [Battle.net]

◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト
【コミュニティ・インタビュー】 ハースストーン世界選手権ベスト4、Kno選手 [Battle.net]
2016年ハースストーン®選手権ツアーに参加しよう! [Battle.net]

◆ チーム加入・移籍情報

◆ その他のニュース

The Explorers of Decks! Popular Decks of the Week, Midrange Hunter, Raptor Rogue, Overload Shaman [Hearthpwn]
No LOE Wing this Week, Mike Donais on League of Explorers & Discover, When Experiments Go Horribly Wrong [Hearthpwn]
Iksar on the Inspire Mechanic "There's a Long Future Ahead", Noxious' Fun Tech Bombs & Spells Mage [Hearthpwn]
Brawl: Battle of Tol Barad, Hearthstone World Championships 2016 Info, Kripp's Arena Fail Compilation #8 [Hearthpwn]

Blizzard: With Discover, we wanted to create more skill-testing options [GosuGamers]

Patron was a weak deck': A Patron-loving pro responds to Blizzard's claims [Dailydot]

Hearthstone Tilt and Tips to Avoid It [Hearthstone Players]

Hearthstone Tour Thoughts and Manners/ Tilt Part 2 [Hearthstone Players]

Mending Specials #4: The Genius of the Hearthstone Ladder [BlizzPro]

Region Locked Finals are a Good Thing! [BlizzPro]

Hearthstone Majors: Are Region Locked Finals a Good Thing? [TempoStorm]

The Benefits for Competitive Players in 2016 [TempoStorm]

【国内サイト】「Hearthstone」2016年度世界選手権の賞金総額は100万ドルに。早くも始まった参加権を巡る戦いに国内プレイヤーも参戦しよう [4gamer]

【国内サイト】来年の鰤コンへの道・HS版 [りかぴ通信]

【国内サイト】Lost in Translation? [りかぴ通信]

【国内サイト】ひとくち新聞登録者、6000名を突破しました!! [すべ半]

【国内サイト】nemukeと佐和子のHEARTHSTONE講座@Openrectv [すべ半]



◆ 今週行われたイベント

Purple is your DreamHack Winter 2015 champion [GosuGamers]
(Vods) DreamHack Winter 2015 [Youtube]

JCG Pro League 2015 Winter CUP 決勝トーナメント [JCG]
JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Winter CUP 決勝トーナメント Day1 [niconico]
JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Winter CUP 決勝トーナメント Day2 [niconico]

◆ 来週以降のイベント

SL i-League StarSeries Hearthstone Introduction [Liquid Hearth]
The world division of StarLadder i-League is stacked to bursting [GosuGamers]

A Hearthstone team league with actual open qualifiers is coming in December [GosuGamers]

オンラインカードゲーム「ハースストーン」のharuno氏主催大会 「第2回 春風大会」が12月13日(日)に開催! [GAMESTAR]

第2回天野一武道会@アジアサーバー 開催のお知らせ [すべ半]
第1回 天野一武道会 配信録画 [Youtube]
ユーザー主催のハースストーン大会『第2回 天野一武道会』が12月19日(土)に開催!! [GAMESTAR]

天野記念(グランプリ)開催! [すべ半]



◆ Metagame

THE META SNAPSHOT: #38 There Can Be Only One! [TempoStorm]
The Meta Season 20 Week 3: Reno Week [BlizzPro]

◆ クラス共通の解説記事

Behind the Hype: Reno Jackson [TempoStorm]
the best League of Explorers decks [Metabomb]
Hearthstone Mastery – Studying the Game [Hearthstone Players]
Analysis of Discover Mechanic – Ethereal Conjurer & Tomb Spider [Hearthstone Players]
Weekly Top Legend Decks #1 [Hearthstone Players]
Top Community Decks of the Week [The Irronsmith]
【国内サイト】宝箱を開けよう!(ランク戦の報酬) [From 0]
【国内サイト】英語サイトも利用しよう:Hearthpwn [From 0]
【国内サイト】相手のマリガンから手札を予想する [すべ半]
【国内サイト】ここのプレイング!@ミッドパラVSシクレパラ [すべ半]

◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩

Tavern Brawl: Battle of Tol Barad [TempoStorm]
【国内サイト】酒場の喧嘩 #24: トル・バラドの戦い [Hearthstone.exp]

◆ アドベンチャー攻略

【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#5: トロッコ野郎・爆走一番星 [Hearthstone.exp]
【国内サイト】攻略「リーグ・オブ・エクスプローラー」#6: アーケイダス [Hearthstone.exp]

◆ パズル・クイズ

◆ 今週の注目デッキ

[89%] 17-2 ComboDruid [koroneko]@マリガンガイド [Hearthpwn]
【国内サイト】[89%] 17-2 ComboDruid [koroneko]@マリガンガイド [すべ半]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Koroneko's 17-2 Combo Druid [89%] [Youtube]
[S20] 60% WR F2P To Lege [Hearthpwn]
Miracle Malygos Druid [LOE] [Hearthpwn]

Hearthstone deck guide: Spark's Beast Master Hunter [Metabomb]
Midrange Hunter Top 50 NA Legend Guide [reddit]
[Legend] "The face is the place" -SMOrc [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Zephyr's Midrange Hunter [Youtube]

Reno Freeze 84% Easy legend? [Hearthpwn]
Ultimate RenoMage Complete Guide [Hearthpwn]
LBYS’ Aggro Freeze Mage – #1 Legend Asia [ViciousHS]

【国内サイト】11月22日 フェイスパラディンの配信録画 [すべ半]
[S20] Legend Midrange Paladin In Depth Guide [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Zardock's Legendary Secredin [Rank 20 to Legend S20] [Youtube]

[Legend] Brann Dragon Priest [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Legendonger's Brann Dragon Priest [Legend S20] [Youtube]
Dragon Control Priest of Confusion (Priest Concept) [Youtube]
LoE Deck Guide: Djinni Dragon Priest [Hearth2p]

[TOP 5 LEGEND] Raptor Rogue [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Doktorrrr's Raptor Rogue TOP 5 LEGEND REAL VERSION [Youtube]
Thijs - Legend LoE Raptor Rogue Guide, LoE Expansion [Youtube]
Raptor Rogue [LEGEND] [Hearthpwn]
Decklist spotlight: Kripp's raptor rogue zoo [GosuGamers]
Unearthed Raptor Tempo Rogue [Metabomb]
Legend Spider (Deathrattle) Rogue Guide & Update [reddit]

Top 500 Legend LOE Overload Shaman deck [reddit]
Decklist spotlight: Sottle’s Brann Bronzebeard Battlecry Shaman [GosuGamers]
【国内サイト】Reynadメックシャーマンの実況解説プレイ! [すべ半]
【国内サイト】mech aggro shaman簡単なガイド [メモ帳]
[Top 5 NA] Reynad's Aggro Overload Mech Shaman [Hearthpwn]
Five Minute Guide: Aggro Shaman [Liquid Hearth]
Guide to Top 50 NA Face Shaman [reddit]

Decklist spotlight: Purple’s Brann Malylock [GosuGamers]
Thjs - Legend LoE Malygos Warlock Guide [Youtube]
【国内サイト】【レノウォーロック】プレイング実況解説プレイ! [すべ半]
Decklist spotlight: StanCifka’s Renolock Highlander [GosuGamers]
[Top 5 Legend] Rase RenoLock [Hearthpwn]
Thjs - Reno Jackson + Brann Bronzebeard Legend Warlock Guide [Youtube]
Rank 6 Legend with Enhance-O Mechano Zoo [reddit]
NA Rank 6 to Legend Guide for Dark Peddler Zoo [reddit]
Flood Warlock Deck Tech [Hearthstone Players]
Reno Handlock - November 2015 [Metabomb]

Grim Patron Warrior - November 2015 [Metabomb]
How To Master Control Warrior [The Irronsmith]
The Power of Reno Jackson: A Warrior Deck Tech with Gaara [TempoStorm]
Legend Reno Warrior Tech Deck [Hearthstone Players]



◆ reddit注目の投稿

r/Hearthstone in 10 years [reddit]
Blizzard we need a better casual. [reddit]
When you really want that booty [reddit]
Stop it Mr. Freeze Mage, you're only making this harder on yourself... [reddit]
Professional poker player gets asked to design a Hearthstone card in his AMA, and actually delivers. [reddit]
No amount of armor will save you... [reddit]
I just lost because a taunt minion was so small I couldn't attack it [reddit]
Blizzard wants to alleviate the high price entry for Hearthstone, yet every Blizzard game has a Black Friday sale...except for Hearthstone [reddit]
I've been a huge fan of keywords, new and old, in Hearthstone and I've been working on a custom project to expand on them [reddit]
This week's Tavern Brawl finally gave me a use for Bolf Ramshield [reddit]
Wouldn't it be cool if we could discover our daily quests? [reddit]
What's so hard about giving us notice if we have disconnected while playing on PC? [reddit]
I just had an orgasmic Sacred Trial in Arena [reddit]
Fanart: Hearthstone Meta Late November 2015 [reddit]
Wispmaster Overspark [reddit]
I almost conceded... [reddit]

◆ 今週のハイライト映像

Amaz - The MOST INSANE Arena Game [Youtube]
Amaz - Dire Ace [Youtube]
Amaz - Pain is Subjective [Youtube]
Amaz - Fiery Wheel of Fortune [Youtube]
Amaz - Warlock Trials [Youtube]
Brian Kibller - Now you feel pain! [Youtube]
Dane - Reasons To Discover [Youtube]
Dtwo - LoE Uldaman Wing - Normal, Class Challenge, and Heroic [Youtube]
Eloise vs Savjz (BO5 Pirate Tavern Brawl - Part 1) [Youtube]
Best of Eloise Tempo Storm - Funny Plays Moments 2015 [Youtube]
Forsen Playing BrotherBrann Mill, Happy Accident [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Unearthed Raptor & The New Rogue?! [Youtube]
Kripparrian - When Experiments Go Horribly Wrong [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Arena Fail Compilation 8 [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Taunt Is Cheating! [Youtube]
MaSsan - Spooky Scary Hunter [Youtube]
MaSsan - Inspirational Gameplay [Youtube]
Noxious - BOMBS N' SPELLS! [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #34 [Youtube]
Reynad Stream Highlights - Mimiron's 4Head. [Youtube]
Reynad Stream Highlights - Digging for Victory [Youtube]
Reynad Stream Highlights - Esportal [Youtube]
Reynad Stream Highlights - Perspicacity [Youtube]
Savjz's best Hearthstone moments [Youtube]
Savjz - How to counter Reno (Constructed Highlight) [Youtube]
Savjz - And you thought only priests could steal your cards? (Constructed Highlight) [Youtube]
Trump's Thanksgiving Piano Performance [Youtube]
Trump on Hearthstone Championship 2016 [Youtube]
Having BIG BALLZ on Hearthstone - Pro Juggernaut Mecanics [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Challenges] #50 - The Giants Challenge! [Youtube]
Accidental lethal in this week's Tavern Brawl [Youtube]
Extreme Hard Mode [Youtube]
Majordomo executus MVP [Youtube]
That's how you sax , bro [Youtube]

◆ HSのマメ知識

TIL Loatheb can cause summoning stone to summon deathwing on turn 5 [reddit]
TIL that Far Sight gets countered by Beneath the Grounds [reddit]
Hearthstone Mythbusters 14 [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Laboratory] Divine Favor vs 11 Card Hand [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Science] Make a Twilight Drake 4/39 with its Battlecry [Youtube]
Sacred Trial vs. Jaraxxus while Mal'Ganis is in play [Youtube]
New bug: When a Fel Reaver is on the board Overload doesn't trigger! [Youtube]
Brann Bronzebeard vs. Loatheb [Youtube]

◆ ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore

Illidan wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving! [reddit]
[Fan Art] Gul'Dan Your soul shall suffer! [reddit]
Hearthstone | Lore of the Cards | Rhonin (Part 1) [Youtube]

◆ おもしろシーン特集

Hearthstone plays - DAT MISPLAY [Youtube]
Blingtron 3000 Moments [Youtube]
Brann Bronzebeard Moments [Youtube]
Best Moments 10 [Youtube]
Amazing Plays #14 - Funny Lucky Epic Plays Moments [Youtube]
Best RNG Funny Moments Lucky Plays Episode 2 [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #90 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 139 [Youtube]



Alternate hero Beginner Guides Blackrock Mountain Curse of Naxxramas Decks & Guides Diary Events Expansion Goblins vs Gnomes Journey to Un’Goro Knights of the Frozen Throne League of Explorers Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Metagame Mobile News & Notice One Night in Karazhan Patch Notes Season end reminder Solo Adventures Tavern Brawl The Grand Tournament Utilities Weekly Recap Whispers of the Old Gods World Championship Year of the Kraken Year of the Mammoth
Hearthstone dojo: Weekly Recap: 11/23 - 11/29 , 2015
Weekly Recap: 11/23 - 11/29 , 2015
Hearthstone dojo
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