Weekly Recap: 4/3 - 4/9 , 2017



▼ 今週注目のニュース
・ オフィシャル・ チーム加入・移籍情報・ その他のニュース

▼ イベント関連
・ 終了したイベント・ 来週以降のイベント

▼ 戦略・ガイド記事
・ Metagame・ 海外サイト・ 国内サイト
・ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩・ 今週の注目デッキ

▼ Fun
・ 今週のハイライト映像・ ファンメイド・Warcraft Lore・ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Weekly Recap: 3/27 - 4/2 , 2017 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News

◆ オフィシャル

Join Us for the Hearthstone Global Games! [Battle.net]
Hearthstone Update - April 4 [Battle.net]
E. Malone's Expedition Journal - Week Five [Battle.net]
The Journey Begins Now! [Battle.net]
Host a Journey to Un'Goro Release Party! [Battle.net]

◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト
Hearthstone Global Gamesを観戦しよう! [Battle.net]
ハースストーン・アップデート - パッチ8.0 [Battle.net]
E・マローンの探検日誌 – 第5週 [Battle.net]
【お知らせ】 ウォリアーのクエスト報酬カード「サルファラス」のテキスト表記の不具合につきまして [Battle.net]
探検を始めよう! [Battle.net]

◆ チーム加入・移籍情報

◆ その他のニュース

BlizzCon Tickets on Sale This Wednesday, April 5th at 7 PM PDT [Hearthpwn]
The Trump Theorycraft Train to Un'Goro [Hearthpwn]
Patch 8.0 - Journey to Un'Goro: Card Flavor Text & More [Hearthpwn]
The Masked Ball is This Week's Brawl! [Hearthpwn]
Journey to Un'Goro Community Compendium [Hearthpwn]
Everything You Need to Know for the Journey to Un'Goro Launch This Thursday [Hearthpwn]
Un'Goro Decks From the Pros for Dinos, Elementals, and Turtles of All Shapes and Sizes [Hearthpwn]
Blizzard: "Journey to Un'Goro Card Distribution is Working Properly" [Hearthpwn]
Discover New Standard Decks From Un'Goro to Play This Weekend [Hearthpwn]
Top Decks of the Week for April 9 [Hearthpwn]

Hearthstone Patch 8.0 - Un'Goro Now In Hearthstone Client [Hearthhead]
First BlizzCon Tickets On Sale Tomorrow [Hearthhead]
Tavern Brawl #95 - The Masked Ball [Hearthhead]
What's Rotating Out of Standard - Year of the Mammoth [Hearthhead]
Your Welcome Guide to Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro [Hearthhead]
Priests Can Skip Their Opponent's Turn With New Exploit [Hearthhead]
Blizzard Refutes Un'Goro Pack Problems [Hearthhead]
Hearthstone Highlights: Arcane (Smorc) Missiles [Hearthhead]
Hearthstone Headlines: Un'Goro Is Out! [Hearthhead]

Watch us open an awful lot of Hearthstone: Journey to Un’Goro packs [Polygon]

Hearthstone Designer Dean Ayala on Un'Goro's Rogue [Redbull]

Hearthstone Exploit Lets You Skip Your Opponent's Turn [IGN]

【ハースストーン】台湾炉端の集い「ウンゴロ探検隊」レポート [台湾在住ゲーマーレポート]



◆ 終了したイベント


◆ 来週以降のイベント

大阪ハースストーンたまり場 #42 [HEARTHGAMERS]



◆ Metagame

Meta Snapshot Week #13 (Mar 27 - Apr 2) [Meta Stats]

◆ 海外サイト

Decklist spotlight: 13 decks from the first day of Un'Goro [GosuGamers]
Decklist spotlight: Nine more decks from the first week of Un’Goro [GosuGamers]
Decklist spotlight: StanCifka’s winning decks from the Throne of Cards tournament [GosuGamers]
Top Un'Goro Decklists [BlizzPro]
Welcome to Un'Goro: An Opening Day Primer [Liquidhearth]
The most exciting cards coming to Hearthstone in Journey to Un'Goro [Dot esports]
Un’Goro Pre-Release Poll [Vicious Syndicate]
Interview with Dr. Jikininki: “I’m always optimistic, even if things aren’t going my way.” [Vicious Syndicate]
Winners and Losers of Standard Rotation [Hearthstone Players]
A Mammoth Transformation: The Effects of The Upcoming Hearthstone Rotation, Part 2 [Hearthstone Players]
Journey to Un’Goro Card Reviews – Arena Edition, Part 4 [Hearthstone Players]
Journey to Un’Goro First Impressions [Hearthstone Players]
Un’goro Brews: Streamer’s/Pro Edition Part 1 [Hearthstone Players]
Journey to Un’Goro Early Deck Recommendations [Hearthstone Players]
Dirty Rat or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Tech Cards [Hearthstone Players]
Journey To Un'Goro: Hunter Cards Analysis [Good Gaming]
The Unpredictable Environment of Un’Goro [Good Gaming]
Heroic Adventure Guide: One Night in Karazhan Part I [Good Gaming]
Quests Theorycrafting: Which One Will Rule The Meta? [Good Gaming]
Journey To Un'Goro: Elemental Tribe Review [Good Gaming]
2 Picks, 1 Play, Ep. 1 – a new Arena series feat. Trump, Merps, & Shadybunny [TempoStorm]
Infographic: HCT Bahamas Winter Championship 2017 [TempoStorm]
Why you shouldn't dust your Wild cards [TempoStorm]
The Journey Begins! Day 1 Recap of Un'Goro [TempoStorm]
Hearthstone Un’Goro Quest Deck Lists [TOP DECKS]
Hearthstone Journey to Un’Goro Deck Lists – Pro & Streamers [TOP DECKS]
Best Journey to Un’Goro Decks From Day One [TOP DECKS]
Journey to Un’Goro Decks Day Two – Pro and Streamers! [TOP DECKS]
Journey to Un’Goro Deck Lists for Day Three – Pro & Streamers [TOP DECKS]
Hearthstone’s Best Un’Goro Standard Ladder Decks (April 2017, Season 37) [TOP DECKS]
Deep Dive into Kazakus [HSReplay.net]
Lightforge Arena Tier List - First Un'Goro Update [Lightforge]
You shall not pass: Anticipating the Un'Goro Meta [CompetitiveHS]
Analyzing Elise the Trailblazer []
Compilation of about 25 theorycrafts for Un'Goro []
T'was the night before expansion...An in-depth review of 11 potential meta decks in ungoro for those of us who arent quite burned out on theorycrafting threads yet. []
Cavern Rogue Discussion []
The Best Card of the Expansion: Dirty Rat []

◆ 国内サイト

カリブ海のバハマで開催された「Hearthstone」の国際大会“HCT冬季選手権”の舞台裏をBlizzardのキーマン2人に聞いてきた [4gamer]
「Hearthstone」の最新拡張パック「大魔境ウンゴロ」が本日リリース [4gamer]
アップデート パッチノート8.0.0まとめ [HEARTHGAMERS]
大魔境ウンゴロ フレーバーテキストまとめ [HearthGear]
ウンゴロで運試しをしよう!! [From 0]
【4/9暫定-大魔境ウンゴロ】レジェンドカードランク [From 0]
DEKKIでウンゴロデッキを作ろう!【クエストハンター】【ウンゴロZOO】【六丸ビーストドルイド】 [海の巨人のつどい]
マーロック神から天啓を賜りました° ω °)【クエストマーロックシャーマン】【ウンゴロ】 [海の巨人のつどい]
個人的なまとめ-ミッドレンジハンター- [yugo_6のハースストーンブログ]
3月の成績 [Hearthstone-Sorato]
ティア予想(ウンゴロ) [Hearthstone-Sorato]
【ハースストーン】エレメンタルシャーマンで遊んでますけど、みなさんは何が当たりました? [Noukin Sinsi]
【ハースストーン】ウンゴロ環境で勝つための3すくみ(?)と、ヒーロー別考察 [Noukin Sinsi]
【大魔境ウンゴロ】ハンターのカード分析・考察 [ハースストーン攻略ブログ]
【大魔境ウンゴロ】プリーストのカード分析・考察 [ハースストーン攻略ブログ]

◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩

4/6更新【酒場の喧嘩】ミニオン:インポッシブル| 攻略・デッキ紹介 [HEARTHGAMERS]
【酒場の喧嘩】ミニオン:インポッシブル [ハースストーン攻略ブログ]

◆ 今週の注目デッキ(Standard format)

RayC’s Living Mana Egg Token Druid [TOP DECKS]
Disguised Toast's Un'Goro Murloc Token Druid [Twitch]
Chakki's Murloc Token Druid [Twitter]
Kripp’s Un’Goro Jungle Giant Ramp Druid [Twitch]
SomiTequila’s Un’Goro Aggro Druid [TOP DECKS]
Ek0p's Un'Goro Beast Druid [Twitch]
NickChipper’s Un’Goro Menagerie Druid – #2 Legend [TOP DECKS]
Fr0zen’s Un’Goro Y’Shaarj Ramp Druid [TOP DECKS]

NickChipper’s Un’Goro Quest Hunter [TOP DECKS]
Un’Goro Brews: Marsh Queen Hunter [Hearthstone Players]
NaviOOT’s Un’Goro Midrange Beast Hunter [TOP DECKS]
Best Midrange Hunter Un'Goro [Hearthpwn]
Orange’s Un’Goro Midrange King Dred Hunter []
Midrange Hunter Legend Decklist and Discussion [CompetitiveHS]
Zorkthar’s Un’Goro Face Hunter [TOP DECKS]
[14-2] CHEAP EASY WIN [Hearthpwn]

Dog's Time Warp OTK [Hearthpwn]
Un'Goro *CHEAT MAGE* (80% Win) + Guide and QA [Hearthpwn]
Admirable’s Waygate Giants Mage [TOP DECKS]
HotMEOWTH’s Legend Un’Goro Arcane Giants Freeze Mage [TOP DECKS]
Abar’s Un’Goro Legend Freeze Mage [TOP DECKS]
Apxvoid’s Un’Goro Tempo Mage [TOP DECKS]
Flamingobums’ Un’Goro Aggro Burn Mage [TOP DECKS]
Kolento's Un'Goro Hemet Tempo Mage [Twitch]

Dog's Un'Goro Murloc Aggro Paladin [Twitch]
MaxTheRipper’s Un’Goro Aggro Murloc Paladin [TOP DECKS]
Mitsuhide's Un'Goro Aggro Murloc Paladin [Twitter]
Kolento's Hand Buff Paladin [Twitch]
Savjz’s Un’Goro Elemental Hand Buff Paladin [TOP DECKS]
J4CKIECHAN's Un'Goro Control Paladin [Twitch]
Vlps’ Un’Goro Legend N’Zoth Paladin [TOP DECKS]
Freshca’s Un’Goro Control Curator Paladin [TOP DECKS]

Amaz's Un'Goro N'Zoth Awaken Priest [Twitch]
Forsen’s Un’Goro Deathrattle Quest Priest [Twitch]
TerrenceM’s Un’Goro Quest Kazakus Deathrattle Priest [TOP DECKS]
Kolento 77%WR Low Cost [Hearthpwn]
Zetalot’s Un’Goro Herald Egg Quest Priest [TOP DECKS]
Legend Dragon Priest guide [CompetitiveHS]
J4CKIECHAN’s Un’Goro Inner Fire Priest [TOP DECKS]
Purifying the ladder to legend with silence priest. [CompetitiveHS]

Dog's Rank 1 Legend Quest Rogue! [Hearthpwn]
Un’goro Brews: Cavern Rogue [Hearthstone Players]
Mkrr3 Quest Rogue [Hearthpwn]
Legend with Quest Rogue starring Bilefin Tidehunter (68%wr). [CompetitiveHS]
Abar's Un'Goro Malygos Razorpetal Rogue [Twitter]
Rank 1 Legend EU with Miracle Rogue [CompetitiveHS]
Eloise’s Rank 1 Legend Sherazin Miracle Rogue [TOP DECKS]
Cross7224’s Un’Goro Flower Miracle Rogue [TOP DECKS]

Elemental Shaman 80% WR [Hearthpwn]
Un’goro Brews: Elemental Shaman [Hearthstone Players]
Kolento Elemental 82% WR [Hearthpwn]
Jade Elemental Shaman Deck List Guide [TOP DECKS]
Macchamp's Legend Rank 1 Un'Goro Elemental Jade Shaman [Hearthpwn]
Murquesting Mur Murloc's [Hearthpwn]
Thijs’ Un’Goro Unite the Murlocs Shaman [TOP DECKS]
Senfglas’ Un’Goro Control Shaman [TOP DECKS]

[Legend #3] - Discardlock Guide [Hearthpwn]
Full Discardlock Aggro: 10-Legend [CompetitiveHS]
[70% Win-rate] Discard zoo w/o Quest [Hearthpwn]
Zanananan’s Un’Goro Warlock Zoo [TOP DECKS]
Mitsuhide's Un'Goro Warlock Zoo [Twitter]
Ostkaka’s Un’Goro Murloc Discard Zoo [Twitch]
Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Handlock [Hearthpwn]

Sjow's Taunt Warrior Quest [Hearthpwn]
Fibonacci’s Un’Goro Fire Plume Control Warrior [TOP DECKS]
Justsaiyan's Un'Goro Control Warrior [Twitch]
Rank 1 Legend Quest/Taunt Warrior [Hearthpwn]
wiRer’s Un’Goro N’Zoth Control Warrior [TOP DECKS]
Trump's Un'Goro Aggro Pirate Warrior [Twitch]
Gaara’s Un’Goro Pirate Warrior [TOP DECKS]



◆ 今週のハイライト映像

Amaz - HOW TO SUCCEED IN UN'GORO: Amaz's Constructed Compendium [Youtube]
Amaz - War in Un'Goro 1: Amaz vs Forsen Showmatch (Both POVs) [Youtube]
Amaz - Hearthstone Expert Amaz vs the 1 Star Quest [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Behind the Scenes: Bahamas! [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Journey To Un'Goro: Kibler's Top 5 [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Kibler VS Amaz: Quest for Victory [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Kibler VS Amaz: Midrange Hunter VS Quest Mage [Youtube]
Dane - Top 5 Fun Un'Goro Cards [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - Playing 4 Arenas at THE SAME TIME?! - Disguised Toast [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - 8 NEW INTERACTIONS from Journey to Un'Goro (King Mosh, Time Warp, Swamp King Dred) [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - SKIP OPPONENT'S TURN EXPLOIT?! | Journey to Un'Goro [Youtube]
Eloise - Your Name Cosplay! [Youtube]
Eloise - Control Warrior & Social Eating [Youtube]
Eloise - Pirate Druid! [Youtube]
Firebat - Sorry Guys, Volcanosaur is Still Bad. [Youtube]
Firebat - Un'Goro Hunter Quest Hype! Could be Overpowered [Youtube]
Firebat - So. Pirate Warrior. [Youtube]
Forsen - Forsen vs Amaz Journey of Un'goro Showmatch [Youtube]
Forsen - Journey to Un'goro Shenanigans [Youtube]
Hafu - Un'Goro Full Arena Run! Fun Shaman Edition [Youtube]
Kolento - Kolento vs Strifecro (dual PoV) - Un'Goro style! [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Let’s Explore Un’Goro! [Youtube]
Kripparrian - The 35 Legendary Deck In Un’Goro [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Value Priest Is Awesome [Youtube]
Kripparrian - How Good Is Un’Goro? [Youtube]
Noxious - Purify Priest New Meta [Youtube]
Noxious - First Impressions of Un'goro [Youtube]
Savjz - So Güüüd [Youtube]
Savjz - He Better NOT Have...Oh (x31255121) [Youtube]
StrifeCro - N'Zoth Paladin: Mixed Up [Youtube]
Thijs - Turn 5 Megafin!? New Murloc Shaman is OP as f**k. [Youtube]
Trump - Plantlock - Trump's First Un'Goro Games (Standard) [Youtube]
Trump - Trump vs Amaz - An Un'Goro Showdown [Youtube]
Best Aviana + Kun OTK Combos [Youtube]
6 Minute Hearthstone Turn in Ranked [Youtube]
Hearthstone Mythbusters 30 - UNGORO SPECIAL [Youtube]
Hearthstone Mythbusters 31 [Youtube]

◆ファンメイド・Warcraft Lore

◆ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Journey to Un'Goro Reveal Stream Moments [Youtube]
Those Missclicks.. | FAIL Moments Ep.38 [Youtube]
PREDICTIONS and COOL Moments Ep. 7 [Youtube]
Craziest Packs of Un'Goro!! [Youtube]
Hearthstone WTF Moments 82! [Youtube]
Hearthstone WTF Moments 83! [Youtube]
Hearthstone UN'GORO WTF Moments 84! [Youtube]
Hearthstone UN'GORO WTF Moments 85! [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #160 [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #161 [Youtube]
Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 235 [Youtube]
Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 236 [Youtube]
Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 237 [Youtube]



Alternate hero Beginner Guides Blackrock Mountain Curse of Naxxramas Decks & Guides Diary Events Expansion Goblins vs Gnomes Journey to Un’Goro Knights of the Frozen Throne League of Explorers Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Metagame Mobile News & Notice One Night in Karazhan Patch Notes Season end reminder Solo Adventures Tavern Brawl The Grand Tournament Utilities Weekly Recap Whispers of the Old Gods World Championship Year of the Kraken Year of the Mammoth
Hearthstone dojo: Weekly Recap: 4/3 - 4/9 , 2017
Weekly Recap: 4/3 - 4/9 , 2017
Hearthstone dojo
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