Weekly Recap: 4/25 - 5/1 , 2016


▼ 今週注目のニュース
・ オフィシャル・ チーム加入・移籍情報・ その他のニュース

▼ イベント関連
・ 今週行われたイベント・ 来週以降のイベント

▼ 戦略・ガイド記事
・ Metagame・ 海外サイト・ 国内サイト
・ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩・ 今週の注目デッキ

▼ Fun
・ reddit注目の投稿・ 今週のハイライト映像・ ファンアート・Warcraft Lore
・ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Weekly Recap: 4/11 - 4/17 , 2016 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News

◆ オフィシャル

Hearthstone Patch Notes - Whispers of the Old Gods [Battle.net]
Whispers of the Old Gods – Now Available! [Battle.net]
Hearthstone® May 2016 Ranked Play Season – Shadowmoon Shenanigans [Battle.net]
Hearthstone Hotfix - April 28 [Official Facebook]

◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト
ハースストーン パッチノート - 旧神のささやき [Battle.net]
「旧神のささやき」 - ついにアジア地域に到来! [Battle.net]
4月30日(土)に開催される「ハースストーン ソウルカップ」で日本のKno選手とmattun選手を応援しよう! [Battle.net]
4月30日(土)18時から始まる生放送番組「ハースストーンスペシャル」を視聴しよう! [Battle.net]
ハースストーン® 2016年5月ランク戦プレイシーズン: シャドームーンの策略 [Battle.net]

◆ チーム加入・移籍情報

VirtusPro readies its first Hearthstone roster for the Tavern [GosuGamers]
Virtus.pro picks up four-player Hearthstone division [Dailydot]
国内プレイヤーAkogare選手、DeToNator Pro Gaming Teamから脱退 [Twitter]

◆ その他のニュース

Whispers of the Old Gods Compendium - The Expansion as Rated by the Community [Hearthpwn]
Hearthstone Patch 12574 - Card Nerfs, Old Gods Flavor Text, New Card Backs, New Brawl - Shadow Towers [Hearthpwn]
New HearthPwn Pack - Golden Old Gods, Hearthstone Patch 5.0 Datamined, The Expansion as Rated by the Community [Hearthpwn]
Whispers of the Old Gods Launches in the Americas [Hearthpwn]
Eye See You - C'Thun Inspired Decks for Every Class! [Hearthpwn]
Dark Wispers Hero Taunt Hotfix, Old Gods, New Tricks - Win a 3D Printed Hearthstone Card!, Deck Spotlight: Choose One Party! [Hearthpwn]
The Many Mouths of Yogg-Saron - Card History, Popular Yogg Decks, Triple-Saron, Old Bards Design Competition [Hearthpwn]

HS辞書2.0配布開始しました。 [りかぴ通信]

ニュース – 「旧神のささやき」「スタンダード・フォーマット」がリリース! / 闘技場ランク更新のお知らせ [Hearthstone.exp]
「旧神のささやき」「スタンダード・フォーマット」のFAQとトラブル・シューティング [Hearthstone.exp]

映画「ウォークラフト」の日本版最新予告編が公開に。大塚明夫さんの力強いナレーションで期待がグッと高まる映像 [4gamer]
「Hearthstone」,アゼロスの四旧神をテーマにした最新拡張パック「旧神のささやき」が本日リリース。無料パックのプレゼントもあり [4gamer]



◆ 今週行われたイベント

『ハースストーン ソウルカップ』にて北米のStrifeCro選手が優勝!日本のmattun選手は決勝にて惜しくも敗れ、準優勝! [GAMESTAR]
ハースストーン ソウルカップ 初日 [Twitch]
ハースストーン ソウルカップ 準決勝~決勝 [Twitch]

スタンダードルール最速大会 優勝はハレルヤ選手! [すべ半]

◆ 来週以降のイベント

Talents announced for DreamHack Austin [GosuGamers]

HCTポイント付き!HearthGamersCup開催! [HearthGamers]

オンラインカードゲーム「ハースストーン」の大会「第3回 春風大会」が5月20日(金)に開催! [GAMESTAR]



◆ Metagame

First observation from the new meta: Plan around turn 7-8 [reddit]
State of the Meta #1 - May 2016 Season is Live! [Mana Crystals]
Whispers of the Old Gods meta snapshot [Dailydot]
First impressions of the Standard meta [GosuGamers]
#旧神のささやき の闘技場メタ考察 [RNG it!]

◆ 海外サイト

Dog on Winning ONOG and Crushing Tournaments [Liquid Hearth]
Whispers of the Old Gods Card Review: Part Four [Liquid Hearth]
Whispers of the Old Gods Card Review: Part Five [Liquid Hearth]
The Great C'Thun Review [Liquid Hearth]
Top Streamers' Whispers of the Old Gods Round Ups [Icy Veins]
Hearthstone Arena Guide: From Beginner to Infinite #4: Trade or Face Part I [Icy Veins]
Five New Decks You Should Try Playing Right Now [Hearthhead]
Community Crafting: Analyzing User Created Cards #1 [TempoStorm]
Old Gods Constructed Power Levels: Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock & Warrior [TempoStorm]
Value Town #69 w/ Noxious, Firebat, ChanManV, and DeviousKat [TempoStorm]
Old Gods Card Reviews: Arena Edition, Part 4 [Hearthstone Players]
Hard Reads: My Top 10 (ish) Standard Cards from Whispers of the Old Gods [Hearthstone Players]
Decks to Play – Day 1’s Allstar Decks [Hearthstone Players]
Decks to Play – Moah Lists, Moah Powah!! [Hearthstone Players]
State of aggro in standard [reddit]
Full Comprehensive Review of ALL Cards by Shevvek [esports online]
OG Day 1 Recap: 12 Old Gods Decks from Top Legend Players and Streamers! [Mana Crystals]

◆ 国内サイト

Hearthstoneで勝ち抜くためにいますぐあなたが学ぶべきこと 第11回:新拡張セット「旧神のささやき」で始まる環境を徹底考察 [4gamer]
カード・マニュアル – 「旧神のささやき」#6 [Hearthstone.exp]
暫定版「旧神のささやき」クラフト・ランキング [Hearthstone.exp]
弱体化したドルイドのカードを使ってみた感想 [すべ半]
低資産クトゥーンデッキ完全ビルドガイド [すべ半]
ハースストーンの歴史 [HearthGamers]
旧神のささやき、難読カード読み方一覧 [Edgestone]
禁じられし創造について [ハースストーン動物園 / 園長日記]
スタンダード導入直後のトップメタデッキ予想 [HearthHack]
環境前のランプドルイドの考察。 [NukesakuHS’s diary]
デッキガイドを読む前に知っておくべきこと [まっしろライブラリ]
C'Thun Battlecry Shaman [まっしろライブラリ]
旧神のささやき メイジ 暫定アリーナ点数表 [ハースストーン アリーナ芸人への道]
Mr.アリーナのアリーナを基礎から丁寧に① ピック [俺たちシャーマンブラザーズ!]
旧神カードレビュー [ハースストーン動物園]

◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩

酒場の喧嘩 #46: 運命の出会い頭 [Hearthstone.exp]
4/28更新【酒場の喧嘩】運命の出会い頭 | 攻略・デッキ紹介 [HearthGamers]

◆ 今週の注目デッキ(Standard format)

Old Gods decklist spotlight: C’Thun Druid [GosuGamers]
[75% Winrate Rank 5 to LEGEND] C'Thun Druid - Nature Welcomes Our New Overlords! [Hearthpwn]
C’Thun Ramp Druid (Standard) WotOG Deck List Guide (Season 26) – May 2016 [Topdecks]
[WotOG] Staghelm the Beast! (Easy ranking) [Hearthpwn]
Legend With Aviana-Y'Shaarj Ramp Druid, 62% Win Rate 70 game sample size [reddit]
Top 50 finish, Ramp Druid [reddit]

[WoG] Me still go face! [Hearthpwn]
[WotOG] Tera's Beast Hunter [Hearthpwn]
[Spark] Beast Rattle (Standard) [Hearthpwn]
Thoughts from Day 1 climbing to Legend with Midrange Hunter in Standard [reddit]
今夜勝ちたいミッドレンジハンター攻略 [HearthGEAR]

(High Win%) Tempo C'Thun Mage [Hearthpwn]
StrifeCro’s Whispers of the Old Gods C’Thun Mage [Topdecks]
Amaz's Yogg-Saron Tempo Mage [Topdecks]
Budget C'thun [Hearthpwn]
Flamestrike, Forbidden Flame and... MASTER! MASTER! Tempo Mage in Standard [reddit]
Laughing’s Season 26 (Standard) Freeze Mage [Topdecks]
Can we talk Freeze Mage lists in Standard? [reddit]

Divine Aggro (84% WR to legend) [Hearthpwn]
Sixenm's Legend Divine Aggro Guide [Mana Crystals]
[TwoBiers] - FloodMurloc-Paladin [Hearthpwn]
Snower's 71% WR Murloc Paladin [reddit]
絵空事@ソラ スタンダードアグロパラディン [Twitter]
Anti-Fxckers N'Zoth Pal [Hearthpwn]
70% win rate N'Zoth Paladin (rank 2 - legend) [reddit]
Anti Aggro Control Healidin! [Hearthpwn]

C'thun priest (easy rank five anti meta) [Hearthpwn]
旧神のささやき / プリーストのデッキ構築を考える 001 [ハースストーン動物園 / 園長日記]
旧神のささやき / プリーストのデッキ構築を考える 002 [ハースストーン動物園 / 園長日記]
Zetalot's Deathrattle Priest [Twitter]
Zetalot's Hogger Concede Priest [Twitter]
Dragonlord Priest (87% WR!) [Hearthpwn]
Rank 1 Legend WOTOG Dragon Priest [Hearthpwn]

Old Gods decklist spotlight: N'Zoth Rogue [GosuGamers]
Ultimate Control Rogue - Guide Included [Hearthpwn]
Dog's Deathrattle Rogue [Hearthpwn]
MrYagut's Deathrattle Rogue [Twitter]
MarkW's Anti-C'Thun Rogue [Hearthpwn]
Dog Miracle Yog [Hearthpwn]

WoTOG Tempo SMOrc Shaman! [SectorOne]
WoTOG Easy Legend Shaman Zoo [SectorOne]
#1 Legend Loyan's Bloodlust Shaman [WoG] Cheap [Hearthpwn]
[Top 100 legend] Totally Broken SMOrc Shaman [Hearthpwn]
Kripparrian's Evolving C’thun Hybrid Decks [Youtube]
The new Malygos Burst Shaman [reddit]

Top 3 Legend Warlock Zoo [SectorOne]
[WoToG] New Legend Zoo [Hearthpwn]
Standard zoo, from rank 800 to 57 with a 17-1 record. [reddit]
みんなとりあえずZoo使おう、な!!! [未来永劫初心者日記]
Hearthstoneでレジェンドを達成したので [すみねこのブロマガ]
NeoP スタンダードズーロック [Twitter]
[TOP100] Quatro's C'thun Renolock [Hearthpwn]
Koroneko's Standard Renolock [Twitter]

New Meta C'ontrol [Hearthpwn]
C'Thun Elise Warrior [Hearthpwn]
C'thun Warrior to Legend in 68 games [reddit]
クトゥーンウォリアー(レジェンド到達) [YUKALING NEST]
Midrange C'thun Warrior ( Legend ) [Hearthpwn]
Tempo Dragon Warrior 74% through Legend [reddit]
Tempo Warrior (Rank 3 legend) Multiple top 100 finishes [Hearthpwn]
Akogare's Standard Tempo Warrior [Twitter]
Legend 12-2 Patron WoG [Hearthpwn]
From Rank 5 to legend with Patron warrior [reddit]
【旧神のささやき】パトロンウォリアー雑感 [元・三国志大戦プレイヤーのメモ帳]



◆ reddit注目の投稿

The Night Before Old Gods [reddit]
WotOG finally giving Jewled Scarab the buff it deserves. [reddit]
Wake up, sheeple! [reddit]
Hearthstone Magazine Cover! [reddit]
Refreshment Vendor is a drug dealer and "Funnel Cake" is a nickname for a drug [reddit]
Well, I now know what the card text "wherever it is" means. [reddit]
Anyone else loving the lack of piloted shredder and Dr.Boom? [reddit]
The power creep is real [reddit]
Theory of evolution confirmed [reddit]
The game that was so close, it came down to 50/50. [reddit]
Eater of Secret's entry line: "I know who you are." [reddit]
Did not know battlecries can activate in packs... [reddit]
The "Sorry" nerf hit harder than previously thought. [reddit]
Thanks, Tracking! [reddit]
And the award for best flavor text goes to... [reddit]
Imagine my surprise when I stole Prophet Velen from a hunter. [reddit]
I was so psyched for Evolve... [reddit]
Yogg-Saron decks with lots of freezing should be called Frozen Yogurt. Or maybe Frozen Yogg-Hurt. [reddit]
BUG: Forbidden Healing Does Damage [reddit]
Can we all agree to call the evolution shaman deck Darwin shaman [reddit]
"The guaranteed pack from Arena Runs will now always be from the most recently released expansion" [reddit]

◆ 今週のハイライト映像

Amaz - 413 Whispers of the Old Gods Pack Opening [Youtube]
Amaz - Yogg Saron, Servant of AMAZ [Youtube]
Amaz - Whispers of the Old Gods: Amaz vs Forsen [Youtube]
Amaz - Whispers of the Old Gods: Amaz vs Trump (Reupload) [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Triple Yogg-Saron [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Deathwing VS Yogg-Saron [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Yogg Hunter Summons Value [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - The Deathwing Dream Turn [Youtube]
Dane - Reasons To Play Aviana and Fandral [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - Testing 7 New INTERACTIONS in Whispers of the Old Gods [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - Shifter Zerus (AWESOME INTERACTIONS) [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - The Greatest Hearthstone Bug Ever: HERO WITH TAUNT?! [Youtube]
Dog - Seven Little Monkeys [Youtube]
Dog - Greedier the Better [Youtube]
DTwo - Whispers of the Old Gods Card Review [Youtube]
DTwo - I Heard you Like Shadowcaster [Youtube]
Eloise - Eloise's Magical Mansion Tour [Youtube]
Firebat - Miracle Rogue: Missing Lethal and Outplaying Myself [Youtube]
Hafu - Old Gods; New Meta ft. ADWCTA Part 1 [Youtube]
Hafu - Old Gods; New Meta ft. ADWCTA Part 2 [Youtube]
Kolento - Kolento opens WotOG packs! [Youtube]
Kolento - Building WotOG mage deck [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Patch Day! [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Yogg’s Crazy Night [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Casually Opening 713 Old Gods Packs [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Zoolock Is Absurd [Youtube]
Lothar - Snipe and Repentance Interaction [Youtube]
Noxious - RANDUIN IS CORRUPTED [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #57 [Youtube]
Reynad - Jeff Leach Plays Hearthstone [Youtube]
Savjz - Savjz Hearthstone opens #420 packs! [Youtube]
StrifeCro - 203 Pack Opening [Youtube]
Thijs - Thijs opens 266 packs (WoG) [Youtube]
Trump - 82 Whispers of the Old Gods Pack Opening [Youtube]
Trump - Whispers of the Old Gods - Full Set Review [Youtube]
2.1 BILLION CTHUN = Deal 6 damage... [Youtube]
Angry Chicken Evolve ! [Youtube]
Corrupted Healbot One Turn Kill [Youtube]
Hearthstone Mythbusters 18 [Youtube]

◆ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore

愛すべきメカたちに別れを告げよう(後篇) [Edgestone]

◆ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Yogg Saron Best Moments [Youtube]
Best Moments 47 [Youtube]
Funny Moments Whispers of Old Gods and Yogg Saron! [Youtube]
Best of Deathwing, Dragonlord! [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #109 [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #110 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 162 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 163 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 164 [Youtube]
[SFM] Inside The Inn [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 165 [Youtube]



Alternate hero Beginner Guides Blackrock Mountain Curse of Naxxramas Decks & Guides Diary Events Expansion Goblins vs Gnomes Journey to Un’Goro Knights of the Frozen Throne League of Explorers Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Metagame Mobile News & Notice One Night in Karazhan Patch Notes Season end reminder Solo Adventures Tavern Brawl The Grand Tournament Utilities Weekly Recap Whispers of the Old Gods World Championship Year of the Kraken Year of the Mammoth
Hearthstone dojo: Weekly Recap: 4/25 - 5/1 , 2016
Weekly Recap: 4/25 - 5/1 , 2016
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