Weekly Recap: 8/9 - 8/15 , 2015

2015/8/9 - 8/15
TGTカードセット132枚全てが公開されました。公式Trailerにチラ見していたPirate Gatorは幻のカードとなったようです。

Headline News

15日未明の公式配信とFacebook上で残りのTGT新カード54枚が公開されました。発売日はもうすぐ! [◆ Official]

132枚のTGTカードセットが全て公開されたことによりカードの分析にも一層熱が入っています。データから一体何が見えてくるでしょうか [◆ The Grand Tournament]

今週のTavern Brawlは2回目の『The Great Summoner Competition』 。前回のデッキリスト資産があるためか難易度が上がっているような気がします [◆ Tavern Brawl]

TGTを目前にしたいま再びMech MageとDragonlockがブームの兆し [◆ Deck Spotlight]

[Nihilum] LotharによるチームメイトLifecoachのコスプレ配信が最高に笑えます。必見! [◆ VoD Highlight]


▼ Featured News
・ Official・ Community & Team・ More News

▼ Events
・ Completed events・ Upcoming events

▼ Strategy
・ Meta・ General Guide・ Tavern Brawl
・ The Grand Tournament・ Puzzle & Quiz・ Deck Spotlight

▼ Fun
・ reddit hot topics・ VoD Highlight・ Tips & Trivia
・ Fan art , Other Topics・ Clip Video

Previous news(サイト内別ページ)
Weekly Recap: 8/2 - 8/8 , 2015 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News


◆ Official

BlizzCon® Ticket Reminder: Attendee Information Deadline—August 14 [Battle.net]
Road to the Americas Championship [Battle.net]
The Grand Tournament – The Joust! [Battle.net]
Gamescom 2015 Epic Cosplay #BlizzGC2015 [Youtube]
The Grand Tournament Live Stream [Twitch]

◆ Community & Team Transfers

◆ More News

New Card: Lance Bearer, Popular Decks of the Week, Mike Donais on Tournament Mode [Hearthpwn]
New Card Reveals: Cutpurse & Dreadsteed, Rhonin vs Varian Legendary Card Vote [Hearthpwn]
ESports Card Back, New Card Reveal: Icehowl, Sea Plunderer [Hearthpwn]
New Card Reveal: Light's Champion, Ram Wrangler, Varian, Rhonin, Brawl: The Great Summoner Competition [Hearthpwn]
Card Reveal Livestream Tomorrow, Currently Released Cards, Aviana OTK Druid [Hearthpwn]
The Grand Tournament Final Card Reveal, Card Clarifications, TGT Deckbuilder [Hearthpwn]

Powder's Troubles with Trig [Liquid Hearth]

Watch Sjow demonstrate why nobody likes playing against Patron Warrior [GosuGamers]

HPL Player Spotlight: Archon Zalae [BlizzPro]

Who is THE Tannon Grace? Meet the newest Hearthstone Caster! [BlizzPro]

Hi. I'm MaSsan, an accused witch! [reddit]

Hearthstone API is COMING!!! [reddit]

人気カードゲーム「HearthStone」は月間2,000万ドル規模の販売を記録、SuperDataがカードゲームの市場動向を報告 [doope!]

Hearthstone Making $20 Million Per Month, Dominating CCG Market [Hearth2p]

The Daily Ale: Your pint-sized source of Hearthstone news [Aug 13th] [GosuGamers]
The Daily Ale: Your pint-sized source of Hearthstone news [Aug 14th] [GosuGamers]
The Daily Ale: Your pint-sized source of Hearthstone news [Aug 15th] [GosuGamers]



◆ Completed events

Kolento surprisingly wins WCA Pro Qualifiers Europe [GosuGamers]
Did you miss the WCA EU Qualifier finals? Re-watch the playoffs spoiler-free [GosuGamers]

【VOD】 ONOG Summer Circuit Feature Tournament #4 [reddit]
SA Ep.2 Part 1: Trump vs Firebat (ONOG Summer Circuit Feature Tournament) [Youtube]
SA Ep.2 Part 2: Trump vs Firebat (ONOG Summer Circuit Feature Tournament) [Youtube]
SA Ep.2 Part 3: Trump vs Firebat (ONOG Summer Circuit Feature Tournament) [Youtube]
SA Ep.2 Part 4: Trump vs Firebat (ONOG Summer Circuit Feature Tournament) [Youtube]

PVPLive's HPL Week 9 Recap [BlizzPro]
HPL regular season concludes, top players prepare for playoffs [Dailydot]

EU Fireside Gathering Championship [Twitch]


F2K Cipher’s Run to Victory in the 10K Omen Hearthstone Challenge Tournament in Malaga [Hearthstone Players]

JCG Hearthstone Pro League 2015 Season3 グループステージ amanos観戦レポート [JCG]

◆ Upcoming events

ONOG Summer Series Feature 4: The Last Chance [Liquid Hearth]

Celestial Championship Series [Liquid Hearth]

2015/08/21 JCG ProLeague Season3 決勝トーナメント抽選会&Day1試合配信 [JCG]
2015/08/22 JCG ProLeague Season3 決勝トーナメントDay2配信 [JCG]

TGT Release Party [Try and Error] [Challonge]



◆ Meta

THE META SNAPSHOT: #25 One Aggro to Rule Them All [TempoStorm]
Fade 2 Karma Meta Report #2 [Hearthstone Players]
The best Hearthstone decks - August 2015 [Metabomb]
The Meta Season 17: Stay Informed [BlizzPro]

◆ General Guide

Culture Shock: From Ladder to Tournaments [TempoStorm]
Resources & Dynamics: Part Two [Hearthstone Players]
Anticipating Curve Plays in Arena [Hearthstone Players]
Concepts Explained #2: Playing Around Threats [Hearthstone Players]
A comprehensive checklist of questions to help improve your decision making [reddit]
What We Learned (Patron Warrior) 1,200 Games from Zalae, Strifecro, Sjow, Dog and more… [Hearthstone Players]

◆ Tavern Brawl

Tavern Brawl #9: The Great Summoner Competition [Hearthstone.exp]
The new Tavern Brawl is The Great Summoner Competition. [reddit]

◆ The Grand Tournament

Gamescon Grand Tournament Spoiler Evaluation [Liquid Hearth]
Gamescon Grand Tournament Spoiler Evaluation #2 [Liquid Hearth]
Hearthstone Interview: Jousting Will be a Counter to Rush Decks [Hearth2p]
Hearthstone Developer Interview at gamescom 2015 with Mike Donais [Icy-Veins]
Game of Champions - Team 5's Ben Thompson Talks Evolving Hearthstone from Vanilla to The Grand Tournament [ausgamers]
Even more new Hearthstone cards reviewed, from Aviana to Tuskarr Jouster [Dailydot]
Evaluating Inspire: What Makes A Good Inspire Card? [TempoStorm]
Inspiring Greatness: Examining the Inspire Mechanic [TempoStorm]
HSP reviews TGT: Gamescom part 2 and more [Hearthstone Players]
The Grand Tournament – First Card Impressions Part 4 [Hearthstone Players]
HSP reviews TGT: Latest reveals [Hearthstone Players]
The Grand Tournament – First Card Impressions Part 5 [Hearthstone Players]
Potentially unclear TGT templates and interactions list [reddit]
Shredders: Now vs TGT [reddit]
Bane Of Doom Analysis for TGT [reddit]
[Straw Poll] You have 1600 dust. Which TGT legendary are you going to craft? [reddit]
[POLL] Best Legendary in the Grand Tournament? [reddit]
The Grand Survey - TGT Pre Release - RESULTS [reddit]
Simulated TGT Packs to Complete Set [reddit]
I made an imgur album of ALL of the TGT cards [reddit]

◆ Puzzle & Quiz

Lightning Quiz #4 – Feat. Professor Toast [Disguised Toast]
Test Your Knowledge with this Hearthstone Quiz! #3 [Hearthstone Players]
Animated Hearthstone Puzzles - Episode 18 [Youtube]
【ひとくち新聞】プレイングパズルの答え [すべ半]
運に身を任せたくなるリーサルパズル [すべ半]

◆ Deck Spotlight

[S17] LEGEND "Eggbert" Token Druid [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Rhadan's "Eggbert" TOKEN DROOD [Youtube]
Thijs - Top 50 Legend Combo War Druid Guide [Youtube]
Top 100 Hybrid Druid [reddit]
MrYagut's Cancer Druid [Twitter]
Amaz's Token Druid [reddit]

Midrange Hunter - August 2015 [Metabomb]
Cancer in a Nutshell [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: DjBerserker's Cancer in a Nutshell :SMOrc: []

Decklist spotlight: Brian Kibler's Dragon control Mage [GosuGamers]
[S17] ysera legend mage [Hearthpwn]
Rayc591 Top 50 Legend Echo Mage [Hearth2p]
Thijs - Legend Mech Mage Guide [Twitter]
Firebat's Mech Mage [Twitter]
[S17 Legend] Mech Mage [Hearthpwn]
#2 NA Tempo Mage [Hearthpwn]
Extensive Look at Freeze Mage Mulligans and Basic Win Conditions [Hearthstone Players]

Season 17 Deck Guide: Chakki's Face Paladin [Hearth2p]
Aggro Paladin - August 2015 [Metabomb]
[S17] Infinite Paladin – Crush the Meta, Climb the Ladder [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Blenyc's Infinite Paladin [S17] [Youtube]
[Rank 5 to Legend] Divine Paladin [Hearthpwn]

Gazlowe Priest [Hearthstats]

SwagpanterNL's aggro rogue. (race-winner) [Hearthpwn]

Decklist spotlight: JustSaiyan's Dragon Shaman [GosuGamers]
Deck Tech - Mech Shaman with Gaara [Youtube]
Season 17 Deck Guide: Orange's Reincarnate Shaman [Hearth2p]
Ottigan`s Legend Rank (EU) Midrange Shaman [Hearthpwn]

Fade2Karma Deck of the Week: Dragonlock [BlizzPro]
Season 17 Deck Guide: Karma's Legendary Dragon Handlock [Hearth2p]
Dragonlock(11 dragon related cards no Malygos) [reddit]
#1Legend Eu/Patron Destroyer (Handlock) 80%winrate [Hearthpwn]
Trump Deck Teachings - 14 - Malygos (Warlock) [Youtube]
#1 EU Demon Zoo [Twitter]

Grim Patron Warrior - August 2015 [Metabomb]
Control Warrior Anti Meta (SjoW) [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Sjow's Control Warrior [S17] [Youtube]



Ben Brode Laugh Hearthstone Funny Montage - The Grand Tournament Stream Moments [Youtube]

◆ reddit hot topics

Allow us to have more then 30 cards while building a deck. [reddit]
One of the weirdest lethals I've ever spotted [reddit]
We should be able to type "new" in the Collection View to find out what card you have just gotten from a pack that you hadn't had before. [reddit]
there should be a quest that gives a free arena run [reddit]
Astral Communion misunderstood [reddit]
Should've picked that Bloodfen Raptor [reddit]
Sometimes it pays to be nice after a game. [reddit]
So I started on a new server, and found Rhonin as a card in the tutorial. [reddit]
Seasonal Events on Hearthstone [Tavern Brawl] [reddit]
With 100+ new cards coming, the long-overdue ability to stack golden and non-golden cards is more desirable than ever [reddit]
I was 11-1 on the arena, and lost to a Shaman. Queued again only to have a rematch with the same guy. [reddit]
Average dust per pack test: 470 packs analysed [reddit]
Rhonin is Dr. Boom levels of good as is being slept on [reddit]
Which pack to buy? A spreadsheet that takes into account your personal preferences. Ready for TGT! [reddit]
With the talk of power creep in TGT, let's remember what Ben Brode said shortly after GVG launched [reddit]
Evil Heckler is an example of blatant power creep with respect to Booty Bay Bodyguard. [reddit]
Innovative cards I'd still like to see in this expansion [reddit]
Most Popular Legendary Minions [graph] [reddit]
I really think Blizzard should keep giving a pack at each Brawl [reddit]
Brawl Idea: Bling-o-Tron's Armory. Players begin with a random weapon equipped. All weapons have Deathrattle: Equip a Random Weapon. [reddit]
Brawl idea: Enhance!. Minions get Windfury, Divine Shield, Stealth, Taunt or Charge at random when they're played. [reddit]
I can't possibly die at this point, right? [reddit]
Simple nerf to Frothing Berserker without making him useless [reddit]
Since we didn't get a new 0-mana minion with this expansion, I went ahead and made one for us. [reddit]
Ben Brode Doing His Thing During Today Stream [reddit]
Pirate Gator Card to potentially be added in some other expansion! [reddit]
I am really impressed by Polymorph: Boar [reddit]
Hello, I come from the Future and am here to tell you about the future of Hearthstone. [reddit]
Lifecoach vs Lifecoach [reddit]

◆ VoD Highlight

Nihilum Lothar - Lifecoach Cosplay Day ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ [ENG/POL] part1. [Twitch]
Nihilum Lothar - Lifecoach Cosplay Day ᕙ༼ຈل͜͜ຈ༽ᕗ [ENG/PL] part2. [Twitch]
Lothar Roleplaying as Lifecoach! [Youtube]
Kripparrian - How Good Is Gamescom? [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Why Most TGT Cards Seem Mediocre [Youtube]
Kripparrian - The Best Play [Youtube]
Amaz TOO Clever! [Youtube]
Amaz - ~ARENA of the CENTURY~ [Youtube]
Amaz - TAUNT and HEAL are CHEATING [Full Game vs. aceofaces] [Youtube]
Amaz - Fel Reaver's Positive Effect [Youtube]
Amaz - A Refreshing Druid [Full Game vs. iFlash] [Youtube]
Grand Tourney [Round 5 Cards] - Amaz Impression [Youtube]
Grand Tourney [Round 6 Cards] - Amaz Impression [Youtube]
Grand Tourney [Round 7 Cards] - Amaz Impression [Youtube]
How Reynad Really Feels About the Grand Tournament [Youtube]
Day9 has a "twitch chat lethal" moment [Youtube]
Forsen: Perfect Timing [Youtube]
Forsen´s Short Opinion On The Grand Tournament Cards [Youtube]
Hearthstone Forsen owned [Youtube]
Best of Trump Patron - August (Warrior Constructed) [Youtube]
Trump - The Grand Tournament Review - Part 8 (Expansion) [Youtube]
Trump - The Grand Tournament Review - Part 9 (Expansion) [Youtube]
Kolento reviews The Grand Tournament cards (part 2) [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #24 [Youtube]
Noxious - SUPER FUN HAPPY TIMES #25 [Youtube]
Thijs - Only my opponent knows if I got lethal ;) [Youtube]
StrifeCro's The Grand Tournament Card Review #2 [Youtube]
StrifeCro's The Grand Tournament Card Review #3 [Youtube]
LgendaryLea - RNG Master Race [Youtube]
MaSsan - Top Decks, Top Decks [Youtube]
MaSsan - New Meta Shadowform Warrior [Youtube]
Hafu - Warlock vs. Priest ft. ADWCTA [Youtube]
Hafu - Hunter Draft ft. ADWCTA [Youtube]
adwcta - The Gahz'rilla Dream [Youtube]
adwcta - #ArenaWarriorsMatter [Youtube]
Ridiculous Patron Reversal [Youtube]
My Best Hearthstone Play EVER [Youtube]

◆ Hearthstone Tips & Trivia

[Hearthstone Science] Wrong Zone Battlecries and Spells #1 [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Science] 89 Turn Limit [Youtube]
TIL that Imp Master will kill herself to 1-0, pop an Imp, then heal back up to 1-1 with healing totem down. [reddit]
TIL: if you freeze your echoing ooze on the turn you play it the "exact copy" won't be frozen. [reddit]

◆ Fan art , Other Topics

"Charged Hammer" [Nerf NOW!!]
Silent Knight - The Song [reddit]
Silent Knight, Holy Knight [reddit]
Let none survive! My Slyvanas Windrunner fan art [reddit]
More Hearthstone Wallpapers! [reddit]
StarCraft Cosmetic Skins [reddit]

◆ Clip Video

Suicide Squad 420 [Youtube]
Hearthstone Amazing Plays #4 - Funny Lucky Moments [Youtube]
Best of Madder Bomber - Hearthstone - Funny Plays Montage Compilation [Youtube]
Top 5 Best Calculations - Hearthstone - Funny Lucky Plays Moments - Compilation Montage [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #76 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 122 [Youtube]



Alternate hero Beginner Guides Blackrock Mountain Curse of Naxxramas Decks & Guides Diary Events Expansion Goblins vs Gnomes Journey to Un’Goro Knights of the Frozen Throne League of Explorers Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Metagame Mobile News & Notice One Night in Karazhan Patch Notes Season end reminder Solo Adventures Tavern Brawl The Grand Tournament Utilities Weekly Recap Whispers of the Old Gods World Championship Year of the Kraken Year of the Mammoth
Hearthstone dojo: Weekly Recap: 8/9 - 8/15 , 2015
Weekly Recap: 8/9 - 8/15 , 2015
Hearthstone dojo
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