Weekly Recap: 1/25 - 1/31 , 2016


▼ 今週注目のニュース
・ オフィシャル・ チーム加入・移籍情報・ その他のニュース

▼ イベント関連
・ 今週行われたイベント・ 来週以降のイベント

▼ 戦略・ガイド記事
・ Metagame・ クラス共通記事・ プレイガイド・マッチアップ
・ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩・ 今週の注目デッキ

▼ Fun
・ reddit注目の投稿・ 今週のハイライト映像・ HSのマメ知識
・ ファンアート・Warcraft Lore・ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Weekly Recap: 1/18 - 1/24 , 2016 [dojo]
Label Tag : Weekly Recap [dojo]


Featured News

◆ オフィシャル

Follow your 3-Stone to a Fireside Gathering Near You! [Battle.net]

◆ ハースストーン日本公式サイト

◆ チーム加入・移籍情報

【国内サイト】モブキャスト、e-sportsプロチーム 『Team mobcast』を発足 現役高校生を含むプロゲーマー3名とプロ契約を締結 [mobcast]
【国内サイト】モブキャスト,プロe-Sportsチーム「Team mobcast」を発足 [4gamer]

◆ その他のニュース

Why Cards Don't Get Nerfed Immediately, Summoning Stone was Mage Exclusive, Patron Still Going Strong, Hearthstone Mix Tape [Hearthpwn]
MurlocsVsPiratesVsDragonsVsMechVsBeastsVsDemons, Deck Spotlight: Crusher's Silent Druid, Enrage Bug Still Being Worked On [Hearthpwn]
And The Winner Is.. Demons!, Tavern Brawl: Miniature Warfare [Hearthpwn]
What Your Deck Says About You, Holding Hands - WCDC S3 #4, The Angry Chicken #132 [Hearthpwn]
Ben Brode on LOE Legendary Creation, The Makings of a 3D Printed Hearthstone Card, Value Town #59 [Hearthpwn]

Kripparrian's Wrath: Taking a Look at Board Clears [Liquid Hearth]


Value Town # 59 with Reynad, Noxious, and ChanmanV [TempoStorm]

Xixo's thoughts on card balance [NaVi]

The 100/10 Arena Challenge Explained [Icy-Veins]

Video Victory: Top Hearthstone Streamers & YouTubers (#24) [Lootcakes]

【国内サイト】海外の配信者リスト 番外編 [nanosecondu’s diary]



◆ 今週行われたイベント

[ENG] Hearthstone Masters Korea S4 [Youtube]
天野一武道会への参加&ご視聴ありがとうございました! [すべ半]

◆ 来週以降のイベント

2016 ONOG Series and Kick Off at PAX South [Liquid Hearth]

Assembly Winter 2016 Groups [Liquid Hearth]

Red Bull Team Brawl [Redbull]
Red Bull Team Brawl: Hearthstone | Format Explainer [Youtube]

Team Archon Presents The Curse Trials - $30,000 Hearthstone Invitational [Hearthpwn]
The Curse Trials [Twitter]

2月12日(金) 大学生限定大会@NA 開催決定! [すべ半]



◆ Metagame

THE META SNAPSHOT: #44 A Wild Snapshot Appears [TempoStorm]
Midweek Meta Review #0: Welcome to the Prologue [HearthHead]
Decks to Play – Nuba Overload [Hearthstone Players]
Brode and Whirthun Comment on the Meta [Icy-Veins]

◆ クラス共通記事

Hearthstone Ladder reference guide [reddit]
Decklist spotlight: All decks from StarLadder i-League finals [GosuGamers]
Joust Mechanic Analysis in Hearthstone Arena [Hearth2p]
Fade2Karma: A Guide to Tournament Strategy [BlizzPro]
How Warlock Became My Favorite Class [TempoStorm]
Hearthstone Top 5: Tech Cards [TempoStorm]
Top Decklists of the Week - Basic Mage & StrifeCro's Mech Mage [HearthHead]
Weekly Top Legend Decks #8 [Hearthstone Players]
S22 - PART2 - RIDING THE #1 BUS [Sector ONE]
Let’s Get Better & Avoid Silly Mistakes [PowerCreeps]
Learning from the Pros: The Very Best of Starladder [Enter the Hearth]
What’s the Play #6 – Different 2-Turn Lethal Lines [Abyssus]
Hearthstone:エピックカード紹介 [YUKALING NEST]
デッキにおけるカードの入替えタイミング [すべ半]
ハースストーン・スターターガイド #6-8: ウォーロックの初期デッキでプレイしよう! [Hearthstone.exp]
闘技場が難しくなっている?低くないプレイヤーレベル [RNG it!]
あなたの成績は上位何パーセントか [RNG it!]
初心者が最短でレジェンドになる方法 その4 [Infinite Mana Inn]

◆ プレイガイド・マッチアップ

HS Journal 3.5: How to Beat Secret Paladin [Hearthstone Players]
プレイング~置き得ミニオンの捨てどきを考えよう~ [RNG it!]
闘技場12勝デッキ#2のピック解説:前半 [RNG it!]
闘技場12勝デッキ#2のピック解説:後半 [RNG it!]
闘技場12勝デッキ#2の勝てた理由と報酬 [RNG it!]
プレイ解説基礎編 ~強化と相性のいいスタッツ~ [ハースストーンの闘技場攻略ブログ]

◆ Tavern Brawl/酒場の喧嘩

Tavern Brawl: Miniature Warfare [TempoStorm]
Brawlers – Miniature Warfare [Hearthstone Players]
【国内サイト】酒場の喧嘩 #33: ポケットの中の乱闘 [Hearthstone.exp]

◆ 今週の注目デッキ

【国内サイト】【デッキガイド】S22 nacanoob ミッドレンジドルイド [HearthGamers]
Crusher Silent Druid [Legendary] [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: HSCrusher's Crusher Silent Druid [LEGENDARY] [Youtube]
Decksperiments #1: Malfurion, Dragon Tamer [On Winning]

Guide: Legend with Midrange Bear/Snake Hunter [reddit]
Guide: Aggro Feint Hunter [reddit]

Legendary Tempo Mage LoE Deck [Icy-Veins]
*Video Inside* S22 Legend Icy Tempo Mage [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: RoyalMail's Icy Tempo Mage [Legend S22] [Youtube]
Now With Guide! TOP 100 LEGEND NA TEMPO MAGE FOR META [Hearthpwn]
Easy rank 5 super cheap mech mage [Hearthpwn]
Top 10) Reno control mage [Hearthpwn]
The Control Mage Compendium [Hearthstone Players]

【国内サイト】Tansokuさんのマーロックパラディン動画! [すべ半]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Reynad's Control Anyfin Paladin 1-20-16 [S22] [Youtube]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Swagliuss's RANK 5 TO LEGEND 83% WINRATE [Youtube]
Legendary cheap Aggrodin (S22) [Hearthpwn]
First Time Legend with Reno Secret Paladin [reddit]

Legendary Dragon Priest LoE Deck [Icy-Veins]
71 % winrate Insane Value Dragon Priest [QUEST TO LEGEND] [Hearthpwn]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Maslenok's Legend Dragon Priest [Youtube]
Sandman Snoozer : 16bit plays Fatigue Priest [PowerCreeps]

Mech Reno Rogue - What have i done? [Youtube]
Kolento Playing Top Ranked Hybrid Oil Rogue [Youtube]

Climbing Ladder with Aggro Shaman [Hearthstone Players]
HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: MrYagut's Legend Bloodlust Shaman [Youtube]
【国内サイト】オリジナルデッキを作ってみよう / マリゴスシャーマン編 [ハースストーン動物園 / 園長日記]

【国内サイト】Hearthstoneで勝ち抜くためにいますぐあなたが学ぶべきこと デッキガイド編 「Zoo Warlock」 [4gamer]
【国内サイト】【ガイド付】S22 NA#43 Arusu ズー [HearthGamers]
【国内サイト】初心者講習会@Twitch配信録画その2 [すべ半]
Legend With Midrange Demon Zoo (In Depth Guide) [reddit]
[Spark] Demonic Zoo (LOE Legend EU) [Hearthpwn]
Kolento's quicker combo renolock [Hearthpwn]
【国内サイト】【ワンポイントガイド付き】S22 Akogare レノロック [HearthGamers]
Warlock Handlock LoE Deck [Icy-Veins]

The Ultimate Guide to Control Warrior by XRBlackWolf [reddit]
Top 100 Patron by MarioHS [Hearthpwn]
Firebat’s Reno Dragon Warrior [GosuGamers]



◆ reddit注目の投稿

PSA: If you are crafting your first legendary; don't make a reddit post, just craft Dr. Boom. [reddit]
Idea: A week before the launch of the next expansion [reddit]
Blizzard, please fix or remove nozdormu [reddit]
LPT: Play hearthstone on your phone to warm up cold hands. [reddit]
Biggest believer in heart of the cards I've seen in 4k+ arena games [reddit]
Should expansions like LOE and Blackrock have price decay? [reddit]
Probably the biggest Arena misclick I've ever seen [reddit]
Hemet Nesingwary just won me the game in the best way possible.. [reddit]
Think Deathwing is too weak? [reddit]
My grandfather's deck has no pathetic cards [reddit]
I thought of a cool new keyword: Questgiver! [reddit]
Cheating occuring in HGL Elite Series and a lying moderator [reddit]
This week's Tavern Brawl: Miniature Warfare! [reddit]
the ultimate Tavern Brawl OTK [reddit]
Wow, thanks Nefarian! (tavern brawl) [reddit]
This weeks Brawl is great [reddit]
This is what you get for playing secret paladin. [reddit]
One year ago, we said goodbye to Undertaker [reddit]
Blizzard missed the opportunity to make the cards have tiny voices for Tavern Brawl [reddit]
The dark peddler dream! [reddit]
We made it! [reddit]
There's bad rng, and there's worse rng. Then there's THIS [reddit]
Next update sneak peek [reddit]
#MurlocsVsPiratesVsDragonsVsMechVsBeastsVsDemons [reddit]

◆ 今週のハイライト映像

Amaz - Highlight: Remember Drunk Amaz and Forsen [Youtube]
Amaz - Constructed Oil Rogue or Amaz Sneaky: Smorc-ering Smorc-atash [Youtube]
Amaz - Highlight: Hero Power and Win [Youtube]
Amaz - Constructed Reno Warrior #1: Just Your Casual Amaz RNG [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - When Reno gets you as rich as possible [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Sweet Comeback With Battlecry Shaman [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Kibler's Patron Saint Miracle [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Mini Minions, Big Damage [Youtube]
Brian Kibler - Patron Warrior VS Golden Monkey Priest [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - 12 CARDS IN HAND?! [Youtube]
Disguised Toast - BEST TAVERN BRAWL EVER?! [Youtube]
Firebat - Gul'dan vs Gul'dan [Youtube]
Kolento - Midrange paladin beat down [Youtube]
Kripparrian - We Need Better Board Clears [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Monkey Business [Youtube]
Kripparrian - Epic Arena Highlights 4 [Youtube]
Kripparrian - My Best Arena Run This Year! [Youtube]
Noxious - RUN FROM THE BEASTS! [Youtube]
Reynad - Funny Reynad Stream Highlight - Reynad Gives A Speech [Youtube]
Savjz - INFINITE VALUE! (GOTD #7) [Youtube]
Savjz - Spooky Scary Savjz [Youtube]
Thijs - Thijs' Encounters #1: Savjz [both perspectives] [Youtube]
Trump - Remember 2015: Trump [Youtube]
Trump - 1-Mana-Extravaganza (Tavern Brawl) [Youtube]
Hearthstone Mix Vol. 1 [Youtube]
Tavern Brawl OTKs - Miniature Warfare [Youtube]
Hearthstone streamers as in-game heroes - Day[9], Noxious, Kolento [Youtube]
[Hearthstone Challenges] #80 - Fist of Jaraxxus ONE-SHOT! [Youtube]
Overly Complicated Paladin Counter [Youtube]
Life on Hearthstone [Youtube]

◆ HSのマメ知識

Highest Mana Cost Spell and Minion [Youtube]

◆ ファンアート・創作・Warcraft Lore

Hearthstone Main Theme Cover [Youtube]
Flavor Text and Lore: Hearthstone Boards – The Capitals of Azeroth [Hearthstone Players]
Flavor Text and Lore: Legends of Azeroth – Friends & Foes [Hearthstone Players]
Honest Hearthstone cards: League of Explorers Edition [reddit]

◆ ハイライトシーンクリップ

Best Moments 23 [Youtube]
Best Moments 24 [Youtube]
Best Moments 25 [Youtube]
Best Moments 26 [Youtube]
Top 5 Bluffs! Mind games [Youtube]
Best of Webspinner [Youtube]
Best RNG Episode 7 [Youtube]
Top 5 Comebacks! Episode 2 [Youtube]
Epic Hearthstone Plays #98 [Youtube]
Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 148 [Youtube]



Alternate hero Beginner Guides Blackrock Mountain Curse of Naxxramas Decks & Guides Diary Events Expansion Goblins vs Gnomes Journey to Un’Goro Knights of the Frozen Throne League of Explorers Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Metagame Mobile News & Notice One Night in Karazhan Patch Notes Season end reminder Solo Adventures Tavern Brawl The Grand Tournament Utilities Weekly Recap Whispers of the Old Gods World Championship Year of the Kraken Year of the Mammoth
Hearthstone dojo: Weekly Recap: 1/25 - 1/31 , 2016
Weekly Recap: 1/25 - 1/31 , 2016
Hearthstone dojo
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